Looking for an alliance

Looking for map 6 AW gold min willing to do raids and battlegrounds. garyg2024 on discord or path seeker no line please.

AW path 6 Live in EST time zone USA



  • GaryagGaryag Member Posts: 493
    Line ID path seeker just got the account unlocked thanks
  • GaryagGaryag Member Posts: 493
    sorry about this have not used line and forgot ID it is pathseeker2

    thanks for understanding
  • GangstarGangstar Member Posts: 4
    Come to my Ally/B/O/S/S/
  • BarnabasCollinsBarnabasCollins Member Posts: 142
    AQ 6/4 for 4000+ glory, AW G4, BGs 30% last season. Looking for active players. Jake Jortles in game
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