My newest 7* r3!

I finished the carina challenges last night and I already knew what champ I was gonna pick from the selectors and instantly r3
Overkill? Maybe a little
Worth it? For me, definitely. He hits like 3 freight trains and crits on pretty much every hit (which is why I took 2, definitely wouldn’t have done this unduped).
This is r3 number 4 so either way, one can’t be banned now. On top of that, some r2’s catch a lot of bans. My other 3 are dual threats so hopefully they lay off on sparky
I’ll probably do a full write-up on the Carina challenges sharing how I felt about each one. It was a wild ride and I have some constructive feedback for the next ones
Overkill? Maybe a little
Worth it? For me, definitely. He hits like 3 freight trains and crits on pretty much every hit (which is why I took 2, definitely wouldn’t have done this unduped).
This is r3 number 4 so either way, one can’t be banned now. On top of that, some r2’s catch a lot of bans. My other 3 are dual threats so hopefully they lay off on sparky
I’ll probably do a full write-up on the Carina challenges sharing how I felt about each one. It was a wild ride and I have some constructive feedback for the next ones

I think it comes down to who you actually enjoy and what kind of playstyle you like more. For me, absolutely no regrets. I usually ban any high ranked massacres and that’ll probably continue
Also the whole skill or tech thing that captain rogers brought up. I know some people that are taking double massacre because they love him and want to r3 him, which is also perfectly reasonable
I did Legacy 5* starky challenge and building poise took me time (was also my first time playing that hero xD)
Did the challenge about a month ago, but could not make my mind up on the decision even until this day. Might wait to see if we get a 7* AG crystal on July 4 or Cyber Monday.
I like the whole dex back thing more than hit into block and I’ve always loved how smooth Sparky feels so he was an easy choice for me