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Mobile Carrier: Ymobile
Device and Version: iPhone8(16.7.7) , iPhone12(iOS17.4.1)

Cellular or WiFi: Both
Game Mode:AW,AQ,BG,Raids,Incursion,Store
Description of the Issue:
In AQ, AW, raids, and Incrursion, the descriptions of all selected boosts, hacks, and tactics are not displayed. The store purchase screen does not show the current number of items you have to spend. In Battlegrounds, names and titles are not visible on the match screen, and the member selection screen does not show how many members of each attribute are available.
I play in Japanese and this problem has been happening since the February update. As far as I can roughly confirm, it was happening in Japanese and Chinese. Please fix this problem as I am having a very hard time playing.
Device and Version: iPhone8(16.7.7) , iPhone12(iOS17.4.1)

Cellular or WiFi: Both
Game Mode:AW,AQ,BG,Raids,Incursion,Store
Description of the Issue:
In AQ, AW, raids, and Incrursion, the descriptions of all selected boosts, hacks, and tactics are not displayed. The store purchase screen does not show the current number of items you have to spend. In Battlegrounds, names and titles are not visible on the match screen, and the member selection screen does not show how many members of each attribute are available.
I play in Japanese and this problem has been happening since the February update. As far as I can roughly confirm, it was happening in Japanese and Chinese. Please fix this problem as I am having a very hard time playing.