Non x-magica champs are available in incursions

Josh2507Josh2507 Member Posts: 746 ★★★★
Quote from forum post:

May is here and we're adding a new Incursions challenge into the X-Magica Saga. We're introducing a new Sector that requires the use of Saga champions

But in the pic below, you can see that all champs are available for use


  • Giantwalrus56Giantwalrus56 Member Posts: 1,073 ★★★★
    It looks like to me, you can use whomever for the other sectors, but can only use saga tagged champions for the extra sector 7
  • Ayden_noah1Ayden_noah1 Member Posts: 1,939 ★★★★
    The new Sector 7 for this months special event only allow X-Magica Saga. The rest of the sector (1-6) are not affected by this, those you can use any champ you want.
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