The_Doctor_24_1The_Doctor_24_1 Member Posts: 200 ★★
I need your help, i suck at deciding who to rank up and was waiting for the Omega Crystals so I could finally rank 2 and r3 a bunch of champs. I already have R3 Shang Chi and Kushala. Considering I could R2 and R3 one in each class who would you consider?

Hulk sig 20
Titania Unduped
Spot sig 20
QS unduped

Mantis sig 20
Black Cat unduped
Attuma sig 20
Elsa sig 40

Domino sig 80
Omega Red sig 40

Warlock unduped
Omega Sentinel unduped
Red Skull unduped
Ironman Unduped
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