Please be aware, there is a known issue with Saga badging when observing the AW map.
The team have found the source of the issue and will be updating with our next build.
We apologize for the inconvenience.

Saga incursions MVP team, prefight, synergy, strategy and insights

JK_47JK_47 Posts: 243 ★★
Who y'all using for saga incursions

I am going with
weapon x
hemostatic bleed
Kill and chill
Odin pre fights

Need suggestions of other feasible candidates
Appreciate your insights 🙏

Saga incursions MVP team, prefight, synergy, strategy and insights 40 votes

LPtheArtist_666peixemacacoJT_SupremeLickyWong_99Fantomaxop 6 votes
Talha305RajaBroken돌껑이IbbyEnlochAlmccarthyElwindDarkraw34613579rebel_SiggManMrFullStopVijay_33AecynPure35Nemesis_17Kingering_Kingjj_jj_9_Kurumi_ 18 votes
MoosetiptronicdzikidzikShenkWonderfulloser1948RaselRanaSpectacularStarlight 6 votes
Weapon x
Vintage773GoldenDadJK_47 3 votes
Black widow cv
Gaborrrrr 1 vote
Other please specify
ZENIvarTheBonelesscaptain_rogersMaxwell24willrun4adonutPhantøm_Echø 6 votes


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    IvarTheBonelessIvarTheBoneless Posts: 1,271 ★★★★
    edited May 10
    Other please specify
    Kate seems like she could be good. Shes def gonna be in my team.

    Tried out r2 domino with crit rating multiplied by 3 during sp attacks + 1000 crit rating + prowess when special hacks and it was nice but less than I expected.
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    captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Posts: 5,585 ★★★★★
    Other please specify

    Kate seems like she could be good. Shes def gonna be in my team.

    Tried out r2 domino with crit rating multiplied by 3 during sp attacks + 1000 crit rating + prowess when special hacks and it was nice but less than I expected.

    Kate isn't good for incursions. Her damage is reliant on coldsnap she have to atleast throw a sp1, don't have regen or cheat death mechanics. Coldsnap immunity shuts her down
    There aren't many hacks which makes her op or something, and her coldsnap damage don't scale much.
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    PT_99PT_99 Posts: 3,156 ★★★★★
    There's thing kingping build where you get unstoppable, unblockable, heavy give poison, stun duration and power gain nodes.
    You can sp3 stun lock thanks to relic.

    If there's any stun immune fights, then other 2 champs can shine.
    Dust is banger with 3 immunities and my r3 was hitting hard
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    MoosetiptronicMoosetiptronic Posts: 2,136 ★★★★
    Without Heimdall and herc, the large risk to
    a lot of runs being road blocked, from a cost viewpoint, is the 50% life degen over 12 seconds node, as well as freezer burn and biohazard.

    Plus lack of heal reversal options.

    Corvus, with strategic movement and then someone else to handle buff stripping nodes, or symbiote supreme, seems logical.

    Or max sig thing.

    But it's going to be rough and tough for almost any combo and many people are likely to face many horrendous, run stopping combos.

    (Completed 6 zone 25 runs before this)
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    JK_47JK_47 Posts: 243 ★★
    Weapon x
    PT_99 said:

    There's thing kingping build where you get unstoppable, unblockable, heavy give poison, stun duration and power gain nodes.
    You can sp3 stun lock thanks to relic.

    If there's any stun immune fights, then other 2 champs can shine.
    Dust is banger with 3 immunities and my r3 was hitting hard

    I was planning another run with dust
    Could you kindly share strategy with dust
    Hacks, synergy, prefight?
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    SirGamesBondSirGamesBond Posts: 4,485 ★★★★★
    Done with the run with champion, thing and manthing.
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    PT_99PT_99 Posts: 3,156 ★★★★★
    JK_47 said:

    PT_99 said:

    There's thing kingping build where you get unstoppable, unblockable, heavy give poison, stun duration and power gain nodes.
    You can sp3 stun lock thanks to relic.

    If there's any stun immune fights, then other 2 champs can shine.
    Dust is banger with 3 immunities and my r3 was hitting hard

    I was planning another run with dust
    Could you kindly share strategy with dust
    Hacks, synergy, prefight?
    It's as usual strategy honestly, medium gives enemy dust, Light purify it, use heavy/sp3 to activate sandstorm, sp2 spam.
    She's tanky, triple immunity and benefits lots from prowess hacks, power reduction hacks for spam specials, there's hack which gives burst damage on specials, that's also good.

    Just build around special damage, stun duration and power efficiency
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    IvarTheBonelessIvarTheBoneless Posts: 1,271 ★★★★
    Other please specify

    Kate seems like she could be good. Shes def gonna be in my team.

    Tried out r2 domino with crit rating multiplied by 3 during sp attacks + 1000 crit rating + prowess when special hacks and it was nice but less than I expected.

    Kate isn't good for incursions. Her damage is reliant on coldsnap she have to atleast throw a sp1, don't have regen or cheat death mechanics. Coldsnap immunity shuts her down
    There aren't many hacks which makes her op or something, and her coldsnap damage don't scale much.

    She has riposte stun which gives no block damage and a free opening to attack. Coldsnap immunity doesn't shut her down since you can put on caltrops. Also hacks like crit damage rating etc make her op since it affects coldsnap/caltrops effect.

    But I don't even think she needs it after seeing how she handles 4-6 million healthpools in necropolis.
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    captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Posts: 5,585 ★★★★★
    Other please specify

    Kate seems like she could be good. Shes def gonna be in my team.

    Tried out r2 domino with crit rating multiplied by 3 during sp attacks + 1000 crit rating + prowess when special hacks and it was nice but less than I expected.

    Kate isn't good for incursions. Her damage is reliant on coldsnap she have to atleast throw a sp1, don't have regen or cheat death mechanics. Coldsnap immunity shuts her down
    There aren't many hacks which makes her op or something, and her coldsnap damage don't scale much.

    She has riposte stun which gives no block damage and a free opening to attack. Coldsnap immunity doesn't shut her down since you can put on caltrops. Also hacks like crit damage rating etc make her op since it affects coldsnap/caltrops effect.

    But I don't even think she needs it after seeing how she handles 4-6 million healthpools in necropolis.
    Yes but I have used her in lower sectors, and she takes a lot of time to defeat opponent, she cannot stun cheese or power control, and don't have other Utilities. The only livesaver is her evade. You are better with using nukes like corvus or kingpin. But well, if someone can do sector 25 itemless with kate, it would be really great! I could learn from them and do it as well.
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    MᗅՏᗅCREMᗅՏᗅCRE Posts: 177 ★★

    Kate seems like she could be good. Shes def gonna be in my team.

    Tried out r2 domino with crit rating multiplied by 3 during sp attacks + 1000 crit rating + prowess when special hacks and it was nice but less than I expected.

    Kate isn't good for incursions. Her damage is reliant on coldsnap she have to atleast throw a sp1, don't have regen or cheat death mechanics. Coldsnap immunity shuts her down
    There aren't many hacks which makes her op or something, and her coldsnap damage don't scale much.
    I did my run with Kate (MVP), Domino and CGR.
    Its true that she doesnt have a really OP hack to select but her damage is insane in itself.
    I selected the armor break hack (dont know the name in english), buff cornucopia, effective degen.
    I didnt do it itemless cause I had some pretty rough bosses in zone 20-24 but its possible.
    Its also possible to get roadblocked by an abs man. In my first try I got roadblocked by him cause he had no retreat and masochism over time in zone 22. He was regenerating 18k per second but kate was doing 20k per second. No retreat made it impossible.
    In my good run I got a zone 23 abs man but she destroyed him like nothing.
    So yeah, Kate is great for this incursion.
  • Options
    captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Posts: 5,585 ★★★★★
    Other please specify

    Kate seems like she could be good. Shes def gonna be in my team.

    Tried out r2 domino with crit rating multiplied by 3 during sp attacks + 1000 crit rating + prowess when special hacks and it was nice but less than I expected.

    Kate isn't good for incursions. Her damage is reliant on coldsnap she have to atleast throw a sp1, don't have regen or cheat death mechanics. Coldsnap immunity shuts her down
    There aren't many hacks which makes her op or something, and her coldsnap damage don't scale much.
    I did my run with Kate (MVP), Domino and CGR.
    Its true that she doesnt have a really OP hack to select but her damage is insane in itself.
    I selected the armor break hack (dont know the name in english), buff cornucopia, effective degen.
    I didnt do it itemless cause I had some pretty rough bosses in zone 20-24 but its possible.
    Its also possible to get roadblocked by an abs man. In my first try I got roadblocked by him cause he had no retreat and masochism over time in zone 22. He was regenerating 18k per second but kate was doing 20k per second. No retreat made it impossible.
    In my good run I got a zone 23 abs man but she destroyed him like nothing.
    So yeah, Kate is great for this incursion.
    That's good to hear, I tried her but hasn't had much success, will give it one more shot.

    Also is no retreat still a thing in incursions. I thought it was banned from incursions nodes a long time ago.
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    willrun4adonutwillrun4adonut Posts: 3,560 ★★★★★
    Other please specify
    Mojo with 5/5 md
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    BirbmanBirbman Posts: 117
    Just use bullseye
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    Kingering_KingKingering_King Posts: 526 ★★
    And using Corvus, didn’t think about using weapon x
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    SirGamesBondSirGamesBond Posts: 4,485 ★★★★★

    Kate seems like she could be good. Shes def gonna be in my team.

    Tried out r2 domino with crit rating multiplied by 3 during sp attacks + 1000 crit rating + prowess when special hacks and it was nice but less than I expected.

    Kate isn't good for incursions. Her damage is reliant on coldsnap she have to atleast throw a sp1, don't have regen or cheat death mechanics. Coldsnap immunity shuts her down
    There aren't many hacks which makes her op or something, and her coldsnap damage don't scale much.
    I selected the armor break hack (dont know the name in english)
    Keep it going... One of my essential hacks I want most of my runs.
    But now they have diluted the hack pool with new poopie ones even more.
    It'll get harder and harder with trash hacks. None of the new ones are actually fun.
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    Herbal_TaxmanHerbal_Taxman Posts: 219 ★★
    If you go in with hemostatic and a bleed champ, get ready for a lot of bleed immune opponents.
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    MoosetiptronicMoosetiptronic Posts: 2,136 ★★★★
    Has anyone tried kushala with the regen on block hacks? Can she move into net health gains when blocking?

    Feel like this is a try 10+ times event, to try and get lucky with rooms as there's so many bad combos that can ruin the run.
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    Phantøm_EchøPhantøm_Echø Posts: 33
    Other please specify

    Kate seems like she could be good. Shes def gonna be in my team.

    Tried out r2 domino with crit rating multiplied by 3 during sp attacks + 1000 crit rating + prowess when special hacks and it was nice but less than I expected.

    Kate isn't good for incursions. Her damage is reliant on coldsnap she have to atleast throw a sp1, don't have regen or cheat death mechanics. Coldsnap immunity shuts her down
    There aren't many hacks which makes her op or something, and her coldsnap damage don't scale much.
    I did my run with Kate (MVP), Domino and CGR.
    Its true that she doesnt have a really OP hack to select but her damage is insane in itself.
    I selected the armor break hack (dont know the name in english), buff cornucopia, effective degen.
    I didnt do it itemless cause I had some pretty rough bosses in zone 20-24 but its possible.
    Its also possible to get roadblocked by an abs man. In my first try I got roadblocked by him cause he had no retreat and masochism over time in zone 22. He was regenerating 18k per second but kate was doing 20k per second. No retreat made it impossible.
    In my good run I got a zone 23 abs man but she destroyed him like nothing.
    So yeah, Kate is great for this incursion.
    I can confirm as I also used the same team, but instead of domino, I brought in the wolf to help with some potential mystics. I'll agree that with CGR it is largely RNG dependent, but rooms 1-20 with buff cornucopia and alternating enhancements had CGR melting everyone in 1 sp2 rotation. Kate took down some bosses with node combinations that stopped CGR from gaining buffs, or just didn't allow for the safe use of his rotation. 600 units worth of revives in my run.
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    jcphillips7jcphillips7 Posts: 1,207 ★★★★

    Kate seems like she could be good. Shes def gonna be in my team.

    Tried out r2 domino with crit rating multiplied by 3 during sp attacks + 1000 crit rating + prowess when special hacks and it was nice but less than I expected.

    Kate isn't good for incursions. Her damage is reliant on coldsnap she have to atleast throw a sp1, don't have regen or cheat death mechanics. Coldsnap immunity shuts her down
    There aren't many hacks which makes her op or something, and her coldsnap damage don't scale much.
    I did my run with Kate (MVP), Domino and CGR.
    Its true that she doesnt have a really OP hack to select but her damage is insane in itself.
    I selected the armor break hack (dont know the name in english), buff cornucopia, effective degen.
    I didnt do it itemless cause I had some pretty rough bosses in zone 20-24 but its possible.
    Its also possible to get roadblocked by an abs man. In my first try I got roadblocked by him cause he had no retreat and masochism over time in zone 22. He was regenerating 18k per second but kate was doing 20k per second. No retreat made it impossible.
    In my good run I got a zone 23 abs man but she destroyed him like nothing.
    So yeah, Kate is great for this incursion.
    I can confirm as I also used the same team, but instead of domino, I brought in the wolf to help with some potential mystics. I'll agree that with CGR it is largely RNG dependent, but rooms 1-20 with buff cornucopia and alternating enhancements had CGR melting everyone in 1 sp2 rotation. Kate took down some bosses with node combinations that stopped CGR from gaining buffs, or just didn't allow for the safe use of his rotation. 600 units worth of revives in my run.
    Was the 600 units the big revives? Also, was that not including health pots to top off, or 600 units for 'resources' in general? Just curious.
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