Saga Incursions, Zone 25, Impossible

Show me a 'Saga' champ that can counter evade, is bleed immune, poison immune and shock immune?
This is the last fight in Zone 25 of Saga Incursions.
Hit the defender and get a bleed.
Hit his block and get a poison.
Don't hit him and get a shock.
Also indestructible unless you do 3 intercepts. Attempt an intercept and he evades and kills you.
Thanks Kabam.
Not an easy fight though
But I guess your CGR can theoretically do the trick. The evade thing is disabled for 10 seconds when stroke by cosmic champ.
Hes got like 3% base chance to evade anything.
He shock immune.
He is bleed immune, you'll have to manage rock stacks as the bleeds from biohazard with bring down rock stacks by 3.
Three parries and thing becomes immortal.
You stand there without holding block
Let the defender come at you
You get hit : which does nothing
You hit them back.
There is your intercept.
You repeat it three times.
I doesn't matter if defender unstoppable. You are unstoppable too and on top of that you have 100% protection.
I don't have anything to help OP with their champs. It can only be done with parry hit dashback and light intercept.