Sell Me on Omega Red

DrZolaDrZola Member Posts: 9,468 ★★★★★
Title says it all…

I remember pulling the 5* and thinking “finally got my super mutant.” Dropped all my sigs in him and proceeded to find him not that useful. The 6* sits at R2 and might get a slot in EQ every now and then as synergy partner.

So…of course I’m sitting on a 7* now.

Please give me your best take on the mad Russian and why he should become a staple of my roster.

Note: I ran suicides long ago, but don’t currently. They are toggle #2 on my mastery setup.

Dr. Zola


  • AshacekarAshacekar Member Posts: 2,372 ★★★★★
    I will use him in EQ when node reads mutant and caltrops stuff. Wish he was awakened though.
  • DrZolaDrZola Member Posts: 9,468 ★★★★★
    Ashacekar said:

    I will use him in EQ when node reads mutant and caltrops stuff. Wish he was awakened though.

    Absolutely. This is the extent of my OR use lately. But there are better mutants for that now, and his double immunity isn’t that special.

    With suicides, no question he’s solid. Without, not nearly as much.

    Dr. Zola
  • Denslo500Denslo500 Member Posts: 905 ★★★
    He requires close-to-opponent play.
    It is harder to parry and many nodes punish this style.

    Doesn’t stop me from trying (6* r3 sig 170) to make him work, but he just warms the bench.

    Compared to Wagneto, who always seems to find a place.
  • captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Member Posts: 11,880 ★★★★★
    Overrated POS. He never was the greatest champ. He needs suicides + sigs, still he don't do anything special. People enjoyed him back then as he cheese bleed nodes and has non contact hits. Now most champs can do it. Even at sig 200 and suicides, he ain't good enough to rank up imo. I'm ready to farm disagrees
  • JChanceH9JChanceH9 Member Posts: 852 ★★★
    I was super hyped for him when he dropped when everyone was going wild for Emma.

    I have an r4 sig 200 and now a 7* r2 sig 20. I rank him only because I am fond of him and always run suicides. Honestly I’ve found him solid but not my first pick for most content.

    Not bad if you like him and run suicides. Don’t feel pressured to buy into hype. He’s simple enough to understand pretty quick if you like him or not.
  • Suros_moonSuros_moon Member Posts: 490 ★★★★
    Once upon a time there was simply no other champion who countered damage back and purify like him. The brutal truth is that this is no longer the case. Without a dedicated setup there are simply better options for almost every matchup he does. If you want him to be on par then he requires: 1) Dedicated mastery set up 2) Synergy partners AND 3) High sig. He was simply power crept and isn’t worth the investment in light of far less restrictive options. That being said, if you've somehow found yourself in the position of owning him as a 7 star without a 6/7 star onslaught then he can fill the niche
  • SiggManSiggMan Member Posts: 27
    He has a easy way to prevent shrugging, with lots of non contact hits, from watching liser play with him, on fights you can't hit your opponent, you can actually play him like quake in the corner. It's very hard to do but its kinda bonkers when done right. Some great immunities to go along with all that. He has some great power control for if the fight goes south or the ai is acting up. No one is "immune" to his damage source. I'm probably missing a few things but he's someone you've just got to force matchups on and see if its possible.

    Only draw back is he basically is only usuable with awakening ability.
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