Lvl 60 returning after long absence, better to start new account?

2Crows2Crows Member Posts: 41
So I've been gone for years.

As in, 5*'s were recent and fairly rare when I left.

Returning, as Level 60 and being in 5.1, it seems players half my level have better Champs. I've been back for a month, but it's becoming obvious I'm just not going to catch up.

Better to just start over or quit at this point?



  • 2Crows2Crows Member Posts: 41
    No, I don't mean "better" as in "who", I mean "better" as being able to front a team of over 15k rating each, while I don't have a single Champ there, and won't for a long time.
  • PantherusNZPantherusNZ Member Posts: 2,344 ★★★★★
    Those better champs are because side quests and events are much more generous than they used to be, not because of account and story progression that you'd already done. Stick with what you're doing and look into champ redesigns because some old champs have been significantly buffed (e.g. Iron Man)
  • 2Crows2Crows Member Posts: 41
    Thanks, Pantherus.

    If restarting the Story won't help, than I'll stick with the one I have.
  • LokxLokx Member Posts: 1,577 ★★★★
    Can you show us your roster? We could probably help you with champs you can focus on.
  • Nemesis_17Nemesis_17 Member Posts: 2,626 ★★★★★
    Just pick up where you left off. Play some event quest or arena maybe just for a bit if you need to unrust and get some of the skills back. After that just push story as much as you can to progress as quickly as possible. Act 5 has been nerfed, Act 6 was also nerfed but still holds some difficulty, though nothing unreasonable. Act 7-8 have much nicer nodes than 6, just more attack and health, but overall easier than 6 imo.
  • Graves_3Graves_3 Member Posts: 1,647 ★★★★★
    OP, having a level 60 account is better since you have all available mastery points. It’s easy for you to pick up and get new champs and progress to cavalier/TB and paragon. Focus on side quests/event quest(highest difficulty available to you and that you can do) and keep knocking out paths in story quest.
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