Incursions nearly impossible and definitely very frustrating

There are just too many RNG factors. There's always just the straight up chance that you will be roadblocked by a nearly impossible combination of defender+hacks. Even just a hard combination of hacks can be practically impossible.
Aspect of nightmares for example is incredibly punishing. Usually you can rely on heimdal, herc, kitty, etc... to survive this intense node. You may even heal some more from it due to their death defying abilities. However, since none of those champs can be brought in and only saga champs are allowed I think the only 2 champs that can mitigate 50% lost health are namor and magik (but these 2 are hardly champs that anyone would use in sector 7). If you encounter aspect of nightmares later on in the sector it is very likely that your champions are no longer at full health. If all your champs are below 50% it will just be impossible. You can't really try again because the unit cost would be insane. So many units just to revive and then using enough units to bring you above 50% is practically bankruptcy. AND THIS IS JUST ONE NODE. It gets much more complicated when there are 5 other nodes at play. It just sucks that I reached zone 19 and now I need to restart all over again. I really want that 7* nightcrawler so this content is not optional for me.
The sad thing is that incursions is my favorite game mode. I love the hacks and the different interactions between some champions. But this is when I have champs like kitty and herc and heimdal that can survive a lot of the garbage combinations and power through.
I also encountered a Hit Monkey with Spite, Footlose, the node that gives the defender a powergain node when you are far away from them, a protection node where going above 2 bars of power decreased damage to him by 75%. This was in zone 17 so i was pretty invested in the run. So what we have here is a Hit monkey that gains power like a monster and will reach sp2 in 6 seconds and sp3 in 9 seconds, he will barely take damage once he is above 2 bars of power, even if he keeps throwing sp1 in a row he will keep getting evade and unstoppable buffs so I can't punish him AND he would get powergain again and again due to the spacing of the sp1. I couldn't use void since his debuffs would just get shrugged off and would take too long to apply, I had the best chance with CGR since he was most likely to be able to shut down the footlose and powergains with his damnation debuffs. Alas I couldn't get there fast enough and he killed CGR and the rest of my team near instantly.
I think we need more paths and bosses per room to mitigate these terrible combinations by being able to chose an easier version. Or if things were more designed rather than being randomly rolled. Less rooms so that hours upon hours aren't wasted if you need to restart from scratch.
Aspect of nightmares for example is incredibly punishing. Usually you can rely on heimdal, herc, kitty, etc... to survive this intense node. You may even heal some more from it due to their death defying abilities. However, since none of those champs can be brought in and only saga champs are allowed I think the only 2 champs that can mitigate 50% lost health are namor and magik (but these 2 are hardly champs that anyone would use in sector 7). If you encounter aspect of nightmares later on in the sector it is very likely that your champions are no longer at full health. If all your champs are below 50% it will just be impossible. You can't really try again because the unit cost would be insane. So many units just to revive and then using enough units to bring you above 50% is practically bankruptcy. AND THIS IS JUST ONE NODE. It gets much more complicated when there are 5 other nodes at play. It just sucks that I reached zone 19 and now I need to restart all over again. I really want that 7* nightcrawler so this content is not optional for me.
The sad thing is that incursions is my favorite game mode. I love the hacks and the different interactions between some champions. But this is when I have champs like kitty and herc and heimdal that can survive a lot of the garbage combinations and power through.
I also encountered a Hit Monkey with Spite, Footlose, the node that gives the defender a powergain node when you are far away from them, a protection node where going above 2 bars of power decreased damage to him by 75%. This was in zone 17 so i was pretty invested in the run. So what we have here is a Hit monkey that gains power like a monster and will reach sp2 in 6 seconds and sp3 in 9 seconds, he will barely take damage once he is above 2 bars of power, even if he keeps throwing sp1 in a row he will keep getting evade and unstoppable buffs so I can't punish him AND he would get powergain again and again due to the spacing of the sp1. I couldn't use void since his debuffs would just get shrugged off and would take too long to apply, I had the best chance with CGR since he was most likely to be able to shut down the footlose and powergains with his damnation debuffs. Alas I couldn't get there fast enough and he killed CGR and the rest of my team near instantly.
I think we need more paths and bosses per room to mitigate these terrible combinations by being able to chose an easier version. Or if things were more designed rather than being randomly rolled. Less rooms so that hours upon hours aren't wasted if you need to restart from scratch.
I spent 2k credits in the 22nd region, but I couldn't pass it again. I always die in the same node. It is impossible to pass there unless my health is at least 70 - 80%, and if you do not throw 15 combos in that node, it was indestructible. Now I am in the 12th region. kingpin - bullseye - immortal guillotine team.
Not a single piece of the deathless champs have had anything at all to do with incursions....
All the strategy in the world means nothing if you come across a pairing of nasty nodes (which you will).
I'm currently stuck on a Baron Zemo boss with Disorient, No Retreat, Polka Dot Power (Debuff), One Too Many Hits -1 and Arms Race.
I mean, really?! 😅
Sadly got matched against a sinister as well. Haven't fought him since the new buff, I know despair won't work since his regen rate can't be reduced. Can I out damage him with draining degen? Hacks are toxic advance , Defensive Cascade, at the ready. Running Serpent, Kingpin and a third I can swap in
Could have gotten it when it came out by doing whatever was required at the time.