Serpent is the absolute mvp for saga incursions.

After running multiple failed attempts with "KingPin stun lock" stratergy and runs with gambit, kate, cgr as mvps, I finally got fed up and decided to try serpent. I went with 7* r2 UNDUPED serpent, 6* max kate and kingpin. I wasn't even serious when i started the run lol.
These are the hacks
- unstoppable after special
- armor up and poison on heavy, unblockable, unstoppable
- Draining degeneration
- Buff corn
- Stun while armor up
Initially I used both serpent and kingpin, until room 12. After room 12, every champ has attack rating equal to your health. I used skill power boost and special boost with Kingpin as @PT_99 said, but for some reason I was never able to load a sp3 after using my sp2. After couple of rooms, I switched kate and Kingpin, and used cosmic power boost/ special boost for serp. I totally spend around 600 units.
Stuff to note
- Buff corn really gets a lot of hate. I hasn't encountered any tricky mystic fights except Man thing. But Buff corn with armor up hack really heals you a lot with regen buffs. It saves a lot of items
- I JUST HAVE TO SAY THIS, NO MATTER WHAT YOUR STRATEGY IS, ALWAYS TAKE DRAINING DEGEN HACK. Only god knows how helpful it was for me. Stun locks aren't guaranteed aand there are a lot of stupid nodes that give power to defender. Fo example, in zone 24, I faced Infamous Ironman with spite and nimble. Without draining degen I had no way to pass him. It also deals good damage since nobody is immune to degeneration.
- My main stratergy was stun lock and special spam with Serpent. But opponents ocassionally wear off of stun, but draining degen prevents you from taking sp3.
Challenging fights
- Room 7, elsa(Boss). She had Aegis intercept. I died with kate here and ended her with Kingpin.
- Room 11 , Hulkling - He had some anti stun node, and his power cannot be drained. but thnx to Recurring Nightmare node, He thrown his special consistently.
- Room 19 - Shuri, This is where I spent my first revive. She had nothing tricky, Just limited immunity+Tunnel vision. I just don't get any openings and also thrown special into her block while using serpent lol.
- Room 21 - Overseer (Boss). He had biohazard, so I swapped CGR. I had to revive because I hit into his autoblock and also because I apply a lot of poisons due to armor up hack, I got retaliation damage as well.
- Room 23, Man Thing (Boss). I thought this was the end lol. He had Freezer burn, and a plethora of power gain nodes including spite and buffet. Good thing is Tyranny. and surprisingly he was a hero. Idk bout his comic origins but I always thought he was a villain. I killed him with sunspot and 2 revives. This was the only time I regretted taking buff cornucopia.
- Room 25, Omega Sentinel. I swapped in Vision aarkus and nuked her. His armor shattered shut down her regen via poisons.
Please kabam, Just let us Farm revives or reduce the cost of incursion revives.
These are the hacks
- unstoppable after special
- armor up and poison on heavy, unblockable, unstoppable
- Draining degeneration
- Buff corn
- Stun while armor up
Initially I used both serpent and kingpin, until room 12. After room 12, every champ has attack rating equal to your health. I used skill power boost and special boost with Kingpin as @PT_99 said, but for some reason I was never able to load a sp3 after using my sp2. After couple of rooms, I switched kate and Kingpin, and used cosmic power boost/ special boost for serp. I totally spend around 600 units.
Stuff to note
- Buff corn really gets a lot of hate. I hasn't encountered any tricky mystic fights except Man thing. But Buff corn with armor up hack really heals you a lot with regen buffs. It saves a lot of items
- I JUST HAVE TO SAY THIS, NO MATTER WHAT YOUR STRATEGY IS, ALWAYS TAKE DRAINING DEGEN HACK. Only god knows how helpful it was for me. Stun locks aren't guaranteed aand there are a lot of stupid nodes that give power to defender. Fo example, in zone 24, I faced Infamous Ironman with spite and nimble. Without draining degen I had no way to pass him. It also deals good damage since nobody is immune to degeneration.
- My main stratergy was stun lock and special spam with Serpent. But opponents ocassionally wear off of stun, but draining degen prevents you from taking sp3.
Challenging fights
- Room 7, elsa(Boss). She had Aegis intercept. I died with kate here and ended her with Kingpin.
- Room 11 , Hulkling - He had some anti stun node, and his power cannot be drained. but thnx to Recurring Nightmare node, He thrown his special consistently.
- Room 19 - Shuri, This is where I spent my first revive. She had nothing tricky, Just limited immunity+Tunnel vision. I just don't get any openings and also thrown special into her block while using serpent lol.
- Room 21 - Overseer (Boss). He had biohazard, so I swapped CGR. I had to revive because I hit into his autoblock and also because I apply a lot of poisons due to armor up hack, I got retaliation damage as well.
- Room 23, Man Thing (Boss). I thought this was the end lol. He had Freezer burn, and a plethora of power gain nodes including spite and buffet. Good thing is Tyranny. and surprisingly he was a hero. Idk bout his comic origins but I always thought he was a villain. I killed him with sunspot and 2 revives. This was the only time I regretted taking buff cornucopia.
- Room 25, Omega Sentinel. I swapped in Vision aarkus and nuked her. His armor shattered shut down her regen via poisons.
Please kabam, Just let us Farm revives or reduce the cost of incursion revives.
Looking at all these posts on the forums and in my alliance and everyone is constantly resetting because the odds of bad RNG on a node or defender or combination in one of those 25 rooms is very likely to occur.
I had decent luck when I was running ascended Serpent as one of my champs. Can't tell if he or r3 Corvus is the play. Will give KP and Kate along with your hack assortment a try if RNG favors me, otherwise I'll switch back to Bullseye.
Just ready for this to be done....already got all the runestones on a previous attempt but got stuck at Z21. I need 12 Titan shards to open a crystal, and 1 T4A from another r3.
Take both corvus and serpent. Corvus would be useful if duped, due to his death immunity. After 20th zone, you mostly cannot depend on a single champ, you need to switch out for counters in each room.
The problem with KP/bullsye is, they have no means of regen. Serpent can regen between fights thnx to buff corn, and can also handle evade and miss.
Good luck for your run and titan