Anyone try out their 7* Corvus in BGs yet?

Trying to figure out if I’m going to rank mine.
Probably won’t be in BGs until Friday/Saturday so thought I would check here and see if any of you have tried him out yet. Can he handle the BG level health pools before his Glaive goes on cooldown?
Probably won’t be in BGs until Friday/Saturday so thought I would check here and see if any of you have tried him out yet. Can he handle the BG level health pools before his Glaive goes on cooldown?
Terrible matchup I know but unless you can get a charge I think this is how most matchups would end, 30% health left on the defenders and timeout. At r3 he can probably take r1 7* and r4 6* and maybe even r2 7* but... Who in their right mind would r3 Corvus just so he can punch one rank below and then become useless again once people start getting more r3s? 💀
Thanks all.