7* Domino or Bishop R2

Ventor61Ventor61 Member Posts: 32
I have both, unduped. I love bishop but I recently pulled Domino and she's a monster, should I R2 either of them with my gem or hold out in case I get a God tier 7*


  • Mrt9810Mrt9810 Member Posts: 72
    if neither are awaken then go bishop. The thing that separates domino is the unavoidable damage with ability fail. Other wise shes a little annoying but not the defensive scare. Bishop is a duel threat even unawaken
  • KnightOfTheRealmKnightOfTheRealm Member Posts: 956 ★★★
    My bishop is r3 he's awesome I'd do him
  • Rayven5220Rayven5220 Member Posts: 2,577 ★★★★★
    Bishop put of those 2.

    Odin is the real answer though.
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