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Whom to take to 6* r3

Guys I’m confused who should I take to r3 all champs are 6 star
1.Hercules unawakened
2. Corvus glaive unawakened
3. Ant man future unawakened
4. Infamous iron man unawakened
5. Iron man OG unawakened
6. And finally archangel unawakened
Right now I think my best choice is Hercules because I know from events or something he will eventually be awakened. But I am not sure if I am making a mistake any help. Thanks for the help in advance :)


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    Ibra_CGR4Ibra_CGR4 Posts: 18
    edited May 18
    This is the r2 Hercules. That I’m thinking to take to r3

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    Ibra_CGR4Ibra_CGR4 Posts: 18
    😂 non of them are awakened I wasted my time writing unawakened
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    The_Boss253The_Boss253 Posts: 57
    Take up Hercules. You just have to get your hands on a 6* awakening gem, but he still does his huge damage.
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    Ibra_CGR4Ibra_CGR4 Posts: 18
    edited May 18
    Yea I agree with u his a powerhouse that’s why I took him in option first thanks for the tip bro cause I honestly thought people would say archangel or even ant man future.
    Any people with objections??
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    Yuvraj_267Yuvraj_267 Posts: 311
    Awakening ability only increases its survivability, it gives you a cheat code (if i tell you more precisely). The damage, utility and other things all are same. So it is definietly hercules
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