Is the team fiddling with input locations on screen?

Simple question, and there’s nothing in the patch notes to suggest an answer—but I’m noticing ever so slight input shifts on the left side of the screen.
Specifically, I’m referencing inputs that occur around the striker button. Striker failure has been an issue for a long time, but since the update I’ve increasingly noticed blocks/parries just above and left of the striker button registering as light taps or not registering at all.
Is work being done on input issues (e.g., striker inputs) that might affect the “input zones” on screen? I ask, because I’ve not really had this type of issue recur until very recently.
Perhaps I’m the only one experiencing this. However, I’m fairly confident I haven’t forgotten how to manipulate basic controls.
Dr. Zola
Specifically, I’m referencing inputs that occur around the striker button. Striker failure has been an issue for a long time, but since the update I’ve increasingly noticed blocks/parries just above and left of the striker button registering as light taps or not registering at all.
Is work being done on input issues (e.g., striker inputs) that might affect the “input zones” on screen? I ask, because I’ve not really had this type of issue recur until very recently.
Perhaps I’m the only one experiencing this. However, I’m fairly confident I haven’t forgotten how to manipulate basic controls.
Dr. Zola
I'm getting worried.
It’s been a good while since the myriad input issues have been addressed by the team—if I recall, since the 2/20 comment about AI reparry on double medium there has been one comment on release notes about “future” work on mechanics.
I may have missed something since, but does begin to feel like being ignored or, worse, gaslighted.
Dr. Zola
People have different size of hands, fingers and devices.
It's perfect for some and It's a gdam tragedy for likes me who needs to put extra concentration on the relic button. Whether I'm trying not to activate it while stuck baiting special or saving it for a specific rotation.
I kept accidentally activating my striker all through it and swore that they had maybe moved something slightly.
But other than 8.4 I haven't experienced it.
Dr. Zola
I dunno lots of weird things going on..
Shaders are trash too. Some champs look like made out of Play-Doh
I understand things can be “under construction”—I’d just like to get some acknowledgment and warning when they are (if they are).
Dr. Zola
I will probably get a lot of hate with what I am about to say; but maybe its time to increase the minimum requirements and keep improving the game.
Inputs grids, graphics, other aspects feel extremely "downgraded". Its no longer the cool graphic game that caught my interest.
Dr. Zola
Android 8.0 came out in 2017...
The problem with S8 that came up a few months ago... We are talking about 7-8 year old devices.
I got a good laugh out of this because it’s so true!
It will, of course, likely be written off as “just my device” or “just my connection” or worse—“just my imagination.” Or something like “the thingamajig on the phone’s whatchmacallit is leaking something somewhere” even though I’m on a fully charged, brand new, current device model with ultra high speed internet and the router in plain sight at maximum connection.
Dr. Zola
Since no reply, I’m going to take Jax at his word (if we say we are working on it we are) and assume that, yes, the team is working on the striker button issues and, yes, that the team’s work is affecting the ability to correctly access inputs in that area of the screen.
Dr. Zola