Is there prefight bug for kate in BG?

Even though i select coldsnap before the fight, usually after my first sp1 it changes wothout me double tapping or anything. Its like I didnt make the pre-fight selection of coldsnap.
So is there a bug that affects kate in BG only? I tried using her in normal quests and test runs in ROL etc. Its BAU, only in BG's I came across this behavior?
So is there a bug that affects kate in BG only? I tried using her in normal quests and test runs in ROL etc. Its BAU, only in BG's I came across this behavior?
Prefight tab can be bit messy when you click it, so just double click next time
It's an abbility that need to be always on or to be added to him without the need to be a prefight.
Kate Bishop on the other way has 3 or 4 prefight to choose, so this is understandable.
He also used scorpion as an example.
It's annoying but not a deal breaker.