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Champions for necropolis

My dear fellow summoners,

I am a Paragon level player and I am planning to attempt the completion of Necropolis. However, I don't have a 6* aegon as many say is needed. I am planning to use my 6* champs (Baron Zemo, Wong, Stryfe or She-hulk, Doom, Gully 2099) for my first path completion. I also have sufficient amount of revives ready. Please provide your input on this. Will these be sufficient or any other champs can be used?


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    captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Posts: 5,717 ★★★★★
    Do you have a kate bishop
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    Killerbee220Killerbee220 Posts: 13
    no. i have her as a 5* though
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    MattDRKMattDRK Posts: 173
    For necropolis i would recommend essencially champs wich have DOT based damage, thats the main reason why Kate and Shuri are pretty good for it, even when the opponent are on a special animation they still take damage (and the timer is paused as well), Zemo is a good main damage, but you will need to choose wisely the path because you want as less opponents to be bleed immune (Kate and Shuri bennefit from Coldsnap and Shock being rare immunities).
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    Wong_99Wong_99 Posts: 604 ★★★

    My dear fellow summoners,

    I am a Paragon level player and I am planning to attempt the completion of Necropolis. However, I don't have a 6* aegon as many say is needed. I am planning to use my 6* champs (Baron Zemo, Wong, Stryfe or She-hulk, Doom, Gully 2099) for my first path completion. I also have sufficient amount of revives ready. Please provide your input on this. Will these be sufficient or any other champs can be used?

    Do you have a 6* or 7* Shuri? If so, check out @Karatemike415 inital completion stream
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    PT_99PT_99 Posts: 3,222 ★★★★★
    Check out Karatemike, he did Zemo run
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    Killerbee220Killerbee220 Posts: 13
    Thank you guys for the inputs..I will definitely check the videos....thanks again
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    Killerbee220Killerbee220 Posts: 13
    edited May 26
    @Wong_99 no bro..i do not have shuri in either of the rarities😔
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    Killerbee220Killerbee220 Posts: 13
    Guys thank you for your suggestions, i have cleared necropolis and have becone valiant...Thanks again.
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    Killerbee220Killerbee220 Posts: 13
    Did without aegon or shuri...nd approx 30 revives😅
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    VABBI2003VABBI2003 Posts: 50
    What was your team "ranks included"
    How many revives per fight
    Care to elaborate 😅
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    Nemesis_17Nemesis_17 Posts: 1,414 ★★★★
    That’s a really good revive count considering the lack of options you had. Well done mate
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    PantherusNZPantherusNZ Posts: 1,734 ★★★★
    That's an incredibly good revive count - well done OP!
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    Killerbee220Killerbee220 Posts: 13
    @VABBI2003 I had a wong, doom, nick fury, guillotine 2099 all r5 ascended 6*.
    And had elsa bloodstone on r3 7* she along with nick with wong, were my major damage dealers.

    Guilly helped me with cap britain, super helpful doom was super helpful with his doom cycling on wiccan and air walker...Gm phase 3 with the inverse control was the major area were i used multiple revives..but then got used to it..
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    Killerbee220Killerbee220 Posts: 13
    @VABBI2003 before entering i looked some videos by top content creators and did according to them...i took the easy path...if u guys have wong, learn to play him he is damn good for necropolis. Also, i dont exactly remember which fights ibused how many revivea but u can count 1 revive for each fight is a minimum.. i remember aarkus, sentinel, guardian, wiccan, cap sam i might have used more than 1 revives...coz aarkus is annoying with his insane power gain
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    Killerbee220Killerbee220 Posts: 13
    Thank you guys, even I cant believe i finished necro initial run..it was 4 days of insanw grinding
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    Killerbee220Killerbee220 Posts: 13
    Guys if any of you are going to do necropolis be sure to have an inverted control immune champ like a wiccan, overseer or juggy (any will do but myvsuggeation wiccan would be highly likely the best among them) for the Grandmaster fight...I missed that part and ended up spending more revives on GM.
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    psp742psp742 Posts: 2,438 ★★★★
    I read a lot about Aegon, Kate Bishop, and Shuri.. but it depends on the path that you are taking.. I suggest watching MCOC Noob.. his tips and suggestions and on point.. he also gives suggestions which champion to bring and path to take.. there are other YouTubers who provide tips as well but my brain is going black right now..
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