IYO, which champs in the past 2 years, have been a surprisingly great addition to their class?

Out of the champs that I have and use, these are who I know have been pretty good.
Tech: Shuri and Iron Heart
Science: Photon, Jessica Jones, and Titania
Mutant: Toad and Onslaught. I say Toad because it's been nice having another champ who can still inflict poisons on bleed immune defenders.
Tech: Shuri and Iron Heart
Science: Photon, Jessica Jones, and Titania
Mutant: Toad and Onslaught. I say Toad because it's been nice having another champ who can still inflict poisons on bleed immune defenders.
Cosmic: Hulkling & CGR
Mystic: Rintrah & Wiccan
At least in my opinion
Skill - Queen kate
Science - Not the new additions, but the buffed hulk
Mystic - kushala nd abs man
Cosmic - Galan and Gladiator
Tech - Omega Sentinel and shuri
2. Attuma: for a while there he was an auto win and even now as a defender in BG he tilts things in my favor. There have been other crazy defenders released since so his impacg has decreased but was good when it counted.
3. Titania: i slept on her and then got her as my third science 7*. She is miss reliable.
4. Scorpion and Abs Man for their amazing immunities combined with good damage and utility. So versatile.
5. Toad: people are still sleeping on him 2 years later. He is such an effective skill counter and the prowess damage is solid. Plus appreciate the nick fury counter in bgs