Please be aware, there is a known issue with Saga badging when observing the AW map.
The team have found the source of the issue and will be updating with our next build.
We apologize for the inconvenience.

Event Quest Changed Needed?

I think I speak with the community on this take but for valiant and even paragon players, the monthly EQ needs a change.
I enjoy the addition of paragon gauntlet but I believe that 100% Exploration of TB Difficulty is unnecessary.
The rewards in the TB difficulty are honestly, quite terrible for most players at this point.
The main issue right now is that Valiant players are still required to do TB exploration to access Paragon Gauntlet.
I was hoping there would be a rewards buff/removal of exploration requirement for paragon and above in the new saga coming soon.
Was wondering if anyone else was thinking this as well.


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    Greed_ExodusGreed_Exodus Posts: 263 ★★★

    Or is this the time for a regular paragon difficulty event quest and Valiant guantlet?

    100%, the EQ for paragon and valiant should have 7* shards, it’s nice the side quest has some but c’mon, and valiant gauntlet should have titan shards after exploration of paragon EQ
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    RiderofHellRiderofHell Posts: 4,525 ★★★★★

    Or is this the time for a regular paragon difficulty event quest and Valiant guantlet?

    100%, the EQ for paragon and valiant should have 7* shards, it’s nice the side quest has some but c’mon, and valiant gauntlet should have titan shards after exploration of paragon EQ
    11 year anniversary is when. 🤣
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