Making it easier and easier. Content is KING!!

Ik Ik the market economy is always changing and what you buy today will literally be ftp in a year more than likely (if not than it WILL be waaaaay cheaper). But so far this year many of the in between deals are just SO EASY to pass on. Whether the offers have potential to be 4* champs or they are for relics when we haven't had any new ones in months (I'm sitting on about 60 relic crystals). Or here where 1/8 of a potential dud of a titan crystal and half of a T3 alpha (which honestly once you are valiant just doesn't hit the same value feel) just doesn't feel anywhere near worth 70 dollars. I was a whale for years. I only recognize the holidays now. But every now and then I used to dip into the offers in between. I suppose we really are in the time of content rewards being king and that is awesome!! But whales will be whales I suppose. Somebody's gotta be buying these sig stone/shard packages but they just seem so so very bad and that's great! Trust. I wanted to buy the sig stone packages. But the piddly 7* shards added on to create 'value' turned me waaaaay off. Even at 3 more sig stone crystals I may have been tempted. But no thanks. (I used to be a sucker for sigs and still find it hard to skip on 30 6* levels for 10 bucks lol)
