Just did SoS with Torch, Void, and Wasp

I chose these 3 because:
I already had them ranked up, and wasn't going to rank up another champ for this. So no to Invisible Woman.
Torch meets the FF objective and his Nova Flames are passive.
Void meets the Medium and Defensive Utility objective. (His remaining health is not an accurate depiction of the entire fight 😂..had to revive a bit)
And Wasp meets the Small and Science objective, and she just freakin' ROCKS 😆🤘🏽 The results would be better in the hands of a better player, but I still had fun using her for this fight.

Took about 4 revives + health pots before I got the rhythm. But overall was very fun to see her in this fight lol
The biggest challenge was trying to get her heavy-special chain going.
Even more with Fury buffs modes in questing.