Act 7.4.6 | Paragon | Superior Kang

I am about to go through Act 7.4.6 completion for the first time and want suggestions about the best counters for the boss "Superior Kang" according to my roaster.
As I have seen so far on YouTube, Ultron seems to be out ranking the list but unfortunately i don't have him even as a 5*
But I have many other viable options, Vox, Venom, Venompool, etc.
Now, following are some
I am about to go through Act 7.4.6 completion for the first time and want suggestions about the best counters for the boss "Superior Kang" according to my roaster.
As I have seen so far on YouTube, Ultron seems to be out ranking the list but unfortunately i don't have him even as a 5*
But I have many other viable options, Vox, Venom, Venompool, etc.
Now, following are some

Act 7.4.6 | Paragon | Superior Kang 17 votes
This is a 7* but the mechanics still works. Because superior kang inflicts bleeds it means your gorr will regen a lot. So you have a lot of leeway to make mistakes.