Commendations on the Great Showcase for DKG

Just a comment giving the team congrats for the terrific showcase the SoS objective provides for the abilities of Deathless King Groot.
I cannot think of a more apt or better scenario to demonstrate everything DKG can do in game. It’s invigorating to see how brightly he can shine in game. Good job!
Dr. Zola
I cannot think of a more apt or better scenario to demonstrate everything DKG can do in game. It’s invigorating to see how brightly he can shine in game. Good job!
Dr. Zola
However, this objective is the complete opposite. Instead of giving us an opportunity to see how well Deathless King Groot can deal with a Spring of Sorrow-type fight, we're asked to complete a very difficult fight while being completely hamstrung in the damage department. You can't use the big payoff that comes from the SP2 since that special will place an incinerate on Onslaught, which in turn will kick his neuroshocks into overdrive. With such a beefy Onslaught, that's practically suicide.
Instead, you're left with a special attack that does, yes, stack up to 10 armor breaks. That's nothing to sneeze at. But they're only really good in conjunction with the SP2, especially since they also lower the defender's energy resistance by up to 80%.
Without any armor breaks, you hit like a wet noodle. However, even with 10 armor breaks, your damage ramps up to an al freaking dente noodle.
And when you've stacked those armor breaks, the only option you have left (other than continuing to spam SP1s for some reason) is to go for the big SP3 that mainly serves to heal you. Indeed, you can spend a fury buff to increase that regen. Healing is always nice, but it only really helps to prolong an already annoying long fight.
I'm not saying the Deathless champs should be exceptional counters to the SoS champions that they are objectives for, but it would be nice if we could at least use them at their full(ish) potential. Not every piece of utility has to be in play, obviously - I was perfectly happy with not having any kind of regen for Deathless Guilly to reverse in the Dani fight - but it would be nice if we walked away feeling happy about the champion that we not only fought long and hard to acquire in the first place, but now also to awaken. That's what I felt after using DG in the Dani fight, and that's what's (sorely) lacking with DKG in this fight.
I hope that the future Deathless objectives are more fun and make me excited about all of the hard work I've put in to get them in the first place.
Though since the challenge contained champs like Shang, Mole Man, DKG, i thought they could have added some shrug off debuff thing.
You can get those in 5 days, that's right, 5.
Also, @Ercarret you win the forums prize for the day for the phrase “an al freaking dente noodle”
He’s so ugly. I love him!
Dr. Zola
Not great gameplay, but managed to get a couple of 25% or more damage runs just throwing Sp1 for armor breaks and dexing his Sp1 (never Sp2). After a KO, I would turn off WiFi and the game and start it all back up again (because my frame rate kept getting chunky after a few minutes of fighting).
I counted 6-7 revives to ~250K health remaining (the first million or so health). Just L1 revives and YOLO thereafter with a couple of runs cut short by cheap shots and cheesy AI from Onslaught. I’d estimate a dozen revives total but at that point I didn’t really care. I had L1s in overflow.
Main takeaway: if the AI wants to KO you, it will—either by cornering you, light intercepting, snap lights or double evading (yes, that happened) with an immediate counter-combo.
It was far from clean, but it is done. I knew it would take me more items than Shang so I gritted my teeth and kept going.
Dr. Zola
Still, very happy to have him Awakened now - he's a lot of fun. And his fiery animations on his Heavy and Specials are just great.