The IA continue being a problem

I've been playing all the modes of the game, Battleground, Alliance War, quests, sidequests and the new event "Spring of sorrow"
The IA is being a terrible problem, champs don't use súper attack, just keep blocking, do dex, parry, slide back and intercept with light. But the problem is not that the defenders do that, the thing is they can predict when i'm going to run to intercept, and don't run, just throw a basic hit to the air and that hits me, or when i run to they, the defender slide back and hits me
The IA looks like a person behind the defender, and that's a problem when you need intercept do a battle (like Spring of sorrow)
The IA is being a terrible problem, champs don't use súper attack, just keep blocking, do dex, parry, slide back and intercept with light. But the problem is not that the defenders do that, the thing is they can predict when i'm going to run to intercept, and don't run, just throw a basic hit to the air and that hits me, or when i run to they, the defender slide back and hits me
The IA looks like a person behind the defender, and that's a problem when you need intercept do a battle (like Spring of sorrow)
Dr. Zola
Play defensively and control the fight, don't let the fight control you...