username92847username92847 Member Posts: 292
Enough Already.....

Stevie Wonder can see that the game is bugged!....

Allow us to use & buy,
single revives again.

Bring them BACK.

(& HEALTH on top of that)
When ya only NEED 1 champ!

& WHY dont ya make health 25% off until, U FIX THE BUGS ?!?

oh right, U are kabam....

Prove me wrong.


  • username92847username92847 Member Posts: 292
  • RetroRocksRetroRocks Member Posts: 68
    Agreed single revives were marvellous things, and we miss them.
    Why do I want to either waste a team revive in AW when only 1 champ is dead? Or most often fights are so specific that if I use another full health champ instead they are lambs to the slaughter as they'll die from MD or thorns or unblockable or some special node etc etc , so my other option is seemingly to sacrfice all my other champs to make the most of my team revive. Madness!! I brought them for a reason and I want to use them.

    And yes, they should only be a third of the price of team revives, please don't be greedy.

    I'd also like revives to be handed out in wars for each player that reaches the end of the war with any dead champs on the losing side. 2 dead champs? Well, have 2 revives! Would encourage more selfless kill frenzying rather than holding back. If an alliance is dead and buried in a war they could still fight to the death knowing they'll have a better shot next time! Sounds fun!

    What I'd love is a potion/revive style item that if used allowed any 100% full health champ in an alliance event to be switched for another in your roster. No more, oh no I brought the wrong team issues for impossible node placement. Top tier players could spend bucket loads on having the right champ for each node if they so wished, with no cheating as if you died you'd still have to revive to 100% health to swap out. Only 2 uses per map.
  • username92847username92847 Member Posts: 292
    Lvl 2 SINGLE REVIVES should be sold in glory store (WITHOUT A CAP)
    UNTIL u fix the dam bugs!
  • MrcMumbleMrcMumble Member Posts: 161
    There's no until to it. Level 2 single revives should be in glory store period.
  • username92847username92847 Member Posts: 292

    One could dream. ...... of a day were kabam listens to players.... *snicker*
  • username92847username92847 Member Posts: 292
    Dont think we forgot about
    Single lvl 2 revives,
    we havent.
  • username92847username92847 Member Posts: 292
    Dont think we forgot about
    Single lvl 2 revives,
    we havent.
  • username92847username92847 Member Posts: 292
    This thread needs A LOT more

    AGREE's before kabam listens.
  • realiTicrealiTic Member Posts: 96
    We need a potion sale!
  • username92847username92847 Member Posts: 292
    ^^ AGREED.... potion should at least be discounted till they fix things... getting creamed in AQ... its just NOT FUN anymore
  • BosleyBosley Member Posts: 428 ★★★
    edited June 2017
    This will NEVER happen. The group revives costs us more units. That's all this game is to KABAM. Finding ways to get us to spend more units.....
  • OtatimiOtatimi Member Posts: 2
    Yes I'm in agreement. Single player revives are essential. Why were they ever discontinued?
  • username92847username92847 Member Posts: 292
    Greed... guess who's
  • TheSOURATheSOURA Member Posts: 674
    edited July 2017
    Every player will like to have single alliance revive.
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