I got an awakening on my r1 gladiator plus a new ant man. Not too happy as I don’t use gladiator much and ant man doesn’t seem too good. Could be worse tho
Pulled Kindred and duped Maw. Not particularly happy with Maw, but Kindred can be annoying on defense. Still no Mantis, Sunspot, Ham, Dani, or any of the others I wanted 😭
Stryfe awakening and a new Lady D. Meh. Fine I suppose. I never use Stryfe and my Tech roster is already pretty good and Warlock and Guardian are priorities before her, so they'll both continue to stay at r1 until 1-2 gems start being given out like candy.
Absolutely ecstatic
I was able to open 2 from the shards and the luck is damnnnnnnn amazing
Not too happy as I don’t use gladiator much and ant man doesn’t seem too good. Could be worse tho
Hoping for the serpent or onslaught, have neither as a 6*.
Pulled then awakened with the beta rewards. What are the odds of that?!
First dupe on Titania so I'm happy.
Oh wait, the same odds as pulling two crossbones, or one Shang chi and one America Chavez, or two shuris, . . .
First time pulls of these damage dealers then I r2 sunspot with my r1-2 gem from exploring 8.4
Sasquatch first time, overseer sig 40. Not too happy with the overseer but extremely happy with Sasquatch as he was my most recent rank 3 unduped.