Please be aware, there is a known issue with Saga badging when observing the AW map.
The team have found the source of the issue and will be updating with our next build.
We apologize for the inconvenience.

22.7k Searching

Hello. I am Plat 1 experienced, Top 25 Bgs, Aq 8x4. I am searching for Plat 2 or at least Plat 3 pushing for Plat 2, Map 8 preferably but any Map 6-8 can do, High bgs but at least 300k minimum for all milestones. I have experience with most aw paths with the least being 2/3/4. My line ID is: thexunknownmcoc


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    KoiBoy18KoiBoy18 Posts: 326 ★★★
    [107SJ] The Starjammers are looking for 1 player with 20k+ prestige and AW Tier 2/3 experience

    AW - P3 pushing P2 with assigned lanes and defenders. Tier 2/3 map. 3150 rating

    AQ - map 6 and we do Raids. 21.7k alliance prestige

    BG: 1-10% alliance rank with 100k minimum contribution

    Finally, we are part of the Symbiotic Alliance, a group of 12 alliances where you can move and grow as you progress

    We use LINE for communication - if you're interested, please reach out LINE ID: KoiBoy18. Hope to meet you soon!

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    Alphastalker_Alphastalker_ Posts: 93
    I added you on line so we can talk
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    TheXunknownTheXunknown Posts: 14
    Thank you guys for the friend requests and alliance invites. Just updating that I've joined one.
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    TheXunknownTheXunknown Posts: 14
    Up. Sorry if we'd spoken earlier, I had to reset my line account & reinstall game. My android device started lagging and crashed. Borrowed a temporary phone that's working alright until I buy a new one July. New line account but same Id: thexunknownmcoc
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    TheXunknownTheXunknown Posts: 14
    I'm no longer actively searching, I'm happy to play solo until after July 4th. However if an alliance is searching or wants some help with a fairly skilled player on any war path, you can add me.
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    TheXunknownTheXunknown Posts: 14
    Hello. Bumping this up as I had some guys reach out to me and saw some looking for recruit for raids. Just waiting to hear back from someone, else I'll be available.
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