Looking for Alliance

I’m looking for a semi-retired or chill alliance preferred, though I’m not opposed to a competitive one if well run. I gave my last alliance a trial run and they had some amazing people and leadership. However, there was so much turnover that I just didn’t see a long term vision and I lost a lot of the fun I rediscovered since I’ve been back the past few months.
Feel free to reach out here or add me in-game @BrothaJ07. Below is my profile.

Feel free to reach out here or add me in-game @BrothaJ07. Below is my profile.

- Map 8 AQ (top 70)
- Raids 100% all three groups
- Tier 2 AW
- 300k BG minimum
- 22k+ prestige
If interested hit me up
My line I.D. is boonecooney If your interested? And if you'd like to chat about all the specifics?