My 2nd Necropolis Path

I wasn’t originally planning on making a post on this. Doing a path of necropolis is cool but not necessarily post-worthy especially since it’s not my completion path. But this run went so incredibly well that I felt like sharing.
I originally had no intention of exploring necropolis in the near future which is why it took me so long to do a second path. (I did completion in December) But after doing the Onslaught SoS objectives I finally got ahold of Aegon from the abyss nexus, which makes me feel like I now have no further excuse to not 100% it.
I still used Kate/Shuri this run though, as I felt like they were the better option for this path. (Mr. Fantastic to Apoc)
The Team:
6* r5 ascended s200 Kate bishop, 7* r2 unawakened Shuri, 7* r2 unawakened Chavez, 6* r4 juggs, (for gm phase 4), and 6* r5a Nick Fury. (for +20% attack) I went with Nick over heimdall for the last team slot, as I feel like heimdall wasn’t gonna help out much with Kate. With Aegon you can use it to eat an sp3 then use your own, but with Kate you’re always baiting specials, and so I felt like a consistent 20% attack was more valuable.
Now for the run itself, I have screenshots of some of my better fights, and most of the solos, but not every single fight. The trap node for this path makes you take damage if you hit the opponent while you’re in the corner, so with Kate this can be tricky to play around, but it’s very doable.
Mr. Fantastic: took some practice getting used to the trap node, having to knock them down into the corner while not being in the corner yourself was annoying at first, but got very manageable with practice. I decided to not take of suicides for this fight since he gives a lot of willpower healing, and even with willpower cut in half I was still net gaining health passively. Practiced until I got the solo, which thankfully didn’t take too long unlike Titania
Namor: Shuri makes this fight literally nodeless, it’s just a big Namor with rooted specials after a while. The node just wants you to have at least one damaging effect to deal damage, and she completely ignores the trap node because… uhh idk. (I think it’s because of her non-contact attacks but idk for sure) Very easy fight, got another solo. (No screenshot rip)
Attuma: Again another pretty chill fight with shuri, it’s again, like Namor, basically just a big healthpool. Unfortunately I kind of suck fighting attuma even with his best counter, and his ai wasn’t the nicest either. So long story short I ate a bogus light intercept when he was low and died
. Easy 1 revive cleanup though.
Air Walker: I soloed this guy last time with Kate, but I was a bit worried about the trap node this time around complicating things for me. Thankfully my practice against Mr. Fantastic paid off well, and I was able to manage the trap node. This is a really simple fight with Kate otherwise, she handles Air Walker very well. Got the solo so still only 1 revive used 4 fights in.
Captain Britain: so this fight can be annoying with the reverse controls. When a debuff expires on you or you purify it your controls switch for a bit, and she places an exhaustion debuff on you when you crit. Thus there’s a lot timer watching you have to do this fight. Kate can do this fight well, once you get 2 tranquilizes up you stop all debuffs on you and thus the reverse controls, making the fight pretty simple from that point on. I used Kate the first time I did this fight, so I went in with her again. I made it about as far as one tranquilize before messing up reverse controls, eating a special 2, and dying. I hadn’t healed from the Mr Fantastic fight so I went in pretty low health. I then went in with Shuri who can control her crits and not worry about the linked node which makes the fight a lot easier. Got the fight down with shuri in one attempt. Does this count as a solo😂? Kate did like less than 1% and shuri the rest, but that probably doesn’t count.
Wiccan: Revived Kate and tried to go in and get a good run in while he was still at full health, so there was little risk of losing progress from his regen. I made it about 20% before dying and at that point went in with Shuri. Shuri makes it very easy to heal block him using despair so it’s a very clean fight, plus she heals from the neutralize he places on you for most of the fight. She took him down all the way from 80%.
Golden Adaptoid: only mentioning this fight because I spent a revive on Kate so she could take this fight and get the attack bonus. 3 revives now used in total.
Psycho man: went in with Shuri, very simple fight with her, she counters him incredibly well since her ability accuracy cannot be reduced, so she ignores a lot of his shenanigans. Shuri once again surprised me with how good she is for this path, got another solo.
Apocalypse: First fight of section 2, and now a new trap node. Not a bad trap node though, they gain an indestructible for 2 seconds when dashing in. Apoc himself was a bit annoying, he will be at 4 charges a lot so you can get stunned through block. If you run max limber however you can get away with being stunned and not being hit. Used shuri and got him down in 2 revives.
Tigra: not a bad fight, Kate shuts her down completely as long as you get heavies in quite often, which is very easy to do. Not much else to worry about this fight, since Kate lets you bait sp1s you can survive in the root phase for a while. Got another solo.
Herc: this fight isn’t necessarily super difficult, just very slow. If you don’t manage his protections the fight can get out of hand, but they’re not too bad to manage thankfully. Kate got him down to like 35% in the first run, then to immortality on the second. Used juggs to finish him off in immortality. 1 revive used.
Cap Sam: really easy fight, go tranq first with Kate and there nothing to worry about. His sp1 is also very easy to dodge and heavy counter. Soloed him during my first path, soloed him again on this one. I did have to revive Kate after she died from herc so technically 1 revive used here.
Dragon man: this guy is fine unless he doesn’t throw specials, which may have happened a couple times hehehe. Fortunately my game crashed right when he gained an sp3😉!!! Giving me another couple chances to get him down. I decided to keep it simpler this fight with Kate and just go coldsnap so there’s less to worry about, it’s still good damage. I got him down to 2% then died from block damage while rooted😤. I was too pissed off to take a screenshot. Finished the last 2% with Shuri.
Cap IW: another nice easy fight, Kate makes the fight a breeze, very easy. Spent 1 revive on Kate after dying to dragon man, but got another solo.
Nova: this is a tricky fight if you can’t dex his specials or forget how he works, and this fight proved I had committed both offenses. I went in with Kate to start as she can do this fight well, but this was the run where I made all my mistakes. I got him down to about 65% before dying. Chavez finally makes her first appearance this run and she was still full health from the start of the quest. She shocked me by how well she did, getting him all the way down to 2% before I died again at 2% by being an idiot. Juggs once again came in for the cleanup.
Nameless Grandmaster: I revived Chavez for the first phase, as her easy access to heavy makes one of the prompts very easy to do. She once again shocked me by how well she did here, and in one run got the gm down to 33%.
From here I went in and died with the rest of my team, but got him to phase 3. From here I popped a team revive, killed off Nick and went back in. I used Shuri for phase 3, since I don’t mind the reverse controls when it’s consistent and I don’t like playing on 1 hp with juggs. As soon as I made it to phase 4 with shuri I got absolutely rekt lmao it’s so difficult without a reverse controls immune. Then I went in with juggs and he got the job done, completing my second run.

So in total, this run cost me 9 revives, 1 team revive, and probably between 30-40 level 4 health pots. Not even in my wildest dreams was I expecting to have a single digit revive count, but Kate and Shuri absolutely carried this run. Unfortunately I’m suffering from success a bit, as I now have more revives expiring in a day so I probably have to start another path tomorrow😫.
So to those of you who have already 100% necro, which paths would you recommend using Kate for, and which using Aegon for? I have the Sauron to Surfer path plus the entire right hand side left to do. I don’t mind having to use a few extra items with Aegon if necessary, my main priority is avoiding any roadblock situations.
I originally had no intention of exploring necropolis in the near future which is why it took me so long to do a second path. (I did completion in December) But after doing the Onslaught SoS objectives I finally got ahold of Aegon from the abyss nexus, which makes me feel like I now have no further excuse to not 100% it.

The Team:
6* r5 ascended s200 Kate bishop, 7* r2 unawakened Shuri, 7* r2 unawakened Chavez, 6* r4 juggs, (for gm phase 4), and 6* r5a Nick Fury. (for +20% attack) I went with Nick over heimdall for the last team slot, as I feel like heimdall wasn’t gonna help out much with Kate. With Aegon you can use it to eat an sp3 then use your own, but with Kate you’re always baiting specials, and so I felt like a consistent 20% attack was more valuable.
Now for the run itself, I have screenshots of some of my better fights, and most of the solos, but not every single fight. The trap node for this path makes you take damage if you hit the opponent while you’re in the corner, so with Kate this can be tricky to play around, but it’s very doable.
Mr. Fantastic: took some practice getting used to the trap node, having to knock them down into the corner while not being in the corner yourself was annoying at first, but got very manageable with practice. I decided to not take of suicides for this fight since he gives a lot of willpower healing, and even with willpower cut in half I was still net gaining health passively. Practiced until I got the solo, which thankfully didn’t take too long unlike Titania

Namor: Shuri makes this fight literally nodeless, it’s just a big Namor with rooted specials after a while. The node just wants you to have at least one damaging effect to deal damage, and she completely ignores the trap node because… uhh idk. (I think it’s because of her non-contact attacks but idk for sure) Very easy fight, got another solo. (No screenshot rip)
Attuma: Again another pretty chill fight with shuri, it’s again, like Namor, basically just a big healthpool. Unfortunately I kind of suck fighting attuma even with his best counter, and his ai wasn’t the nicest either. So long story short I ate a bogus light intercept when he was low and died

Air Walker: I soloed this guy last time with Kate, but I was a bit worried about the trap node this time around complicating things for me. Thankfully my practice against Mr. Fantastic paid off well, and I was able to manage the trap node. This is a really simple fight with Kate otherwise, she handles Air Walker very well. Got the solo so still only 1 revive used 4 fights in.

Captain Britain: so this fight can be annoying with the reverse controls. When a debuff expires on you or you purify it your controls switch for a bit, and she places an exhaustion debuff on you when you crit. Thus there’s a lot timer watching you have to do this fight. Kate can do this fight well, once you get 2 tranquilizes up you stop all debuffs on you and thus the reverse controls, making the fight pretty simple from that point on. I used Kate the first time I did this fight, so I went in with her again. I made it about as far as one tranquilize before messing up reverse controls, eating a special 2, and dying. I hadn’t healed from the Mr Fantastic fight so I went in pretty low health. I then went in with Shuri who can control her crits and not worry about the linked node which makes the fight a lot easier. Got the fight down with shuri in one attempt. Does this count as a solo😂? Kate did like less than 1% and shuri the rest, but that probably doesn’t count.

Wiccan: Revived Kate and tried to go in and get a good run in while he was still at full health, so there was little risk of losing progress from his regen. I made it about 20% before dying and at that point went in with Shuri. Shuri makes it very easy to heal block him using despair so it’s a very clean fight, plus she heals from the neutralize he places on you for most of the fight. She took him down all the way from 80%.

Golden Adaptoid: only mentioning this fight because I spent a revive on Kate so she could take this fight and get the attack bonus. 3 revives now used in total.
Psycho man: went in with Shuri, very simple fight with her, she counters him incredibly well since her ability accuracy cannot be reduced, so she ignores a lot of his shenanigans. Shuri once again surprised me with how good she is for this path, got another solo.

Apocalypse: First fight of section 2, and now a new trap node. Not a bad trap node though, they gain an indestructible for 2 seconds when dashing in. Apoc himself was a bit annoying, he will be at 4 charges a lot so you can get stunned through block. If you run max limber however you can get away with being stunned and not being hit. Used shuri and got him down in 2 revives.
Tigra: not a bad fight, Kate shuts her down completely as long as you get heavies in quite often, which is very easy to do. Not much else to worry about this fight, since Kate lets you bait sp1s you can survive in the root phase for a while. Got another solo.

Herc: this fight isn’t necessarily super difficult, just very slow. If you don’t manage his protections the fight can get out of hand, but they’re not too bad to manage thankfully. Kate got him down to like 35% in the first run, then to immortality on the second. Used juggs to finish him off in immortality. 1 revive used.
Cap Sam: really easy fight, go tranq first with Kate and there nothing to worry about. His sp1 is also very easy to dodge and heavy counter. Soloed him during my first path, soloed him again on this one. I did have to revive Kate after she died from herc so technically 1 revive used here.

Dragon man: this guy is fine unless he doesn’t throw specials, which may have happened a couple times hehehe. Fortunately my game crashed right when he gained an sp3😉!!! Giving me another couple chances to get him down. I decided to keep it simpler this fight with Kate and just go coldsnap so there’s less to worry about, it’s still good damage. I got him down to 2% then died from block damage while rooted😤. I was too pissed off to take a screenshot. Finished the last 2% with Shuri.
Cap IW: another nice easy fight, Kate makes the fight a breeze, very easy. Spent 1 revive on Kate after dying to dragon man, but got another solo.

Nova: this is a tricky fight if you can’t dex his specials or forget how he works, and this fight proved I had committed both offenses. I went in with Kate to start as she can do this fight well, but this was the run where I made all my mistakes. I got him down to about 65% before dying. Chavez finally makes her first appearance this run and she was still full health from the start of the quest. She shocked me by how well she did, getting him all the way down to 2% before I died again at 2% by being an idiot. Juggs once again came in for the cleanup.
Nameless Grandmaster: I revived Chavez for the first phase, as her easy access to heavy makes one of the prompts very easy to do. She once again shocked me by how well she did here, and in one run got the gm down to 33%.
From here I went in and died with the rest of my team, but got him to phase 3. From here I popped a team revive, killed off Nick and went back in. I used Shuri for phase 3, since I don’t mind the reverse controls when it’s consistent and I don’t like playing on 1 hp with juggs. As soon as I made it to phase 4 with shuri I got absolutely rekt lmao it’s so difficult without a reverse controls immune. Then I went in with juggs and he got the job done, completing my second run.

So in total, this run cost me 9 revives, 1 team revive, and probably between 30-40 level 4 health pots. Not even in my wildest dreams was I expecting to have a single digit revive count, but Kate and Shuri absolutely carried this run. Unfortunately I’m suffering from success a bit, as I now have more revives expiring in a day so I probably have to start another path tomorrow😫.
So to those of you who have already 100% necro, which paths would you recommend using Kate for, and which using Aegon for? I have the Sauron to Surfer path plus the entire right hand side left to do. I don’t mind having to use a few extra items with Aegon if necessary, my main priority is avoiding any roadblock situations.
I used 85 revives in this path, toughest path in my exploration run thanks to my poor choices, went in with Aegon and shuri, and ended up spending 20 revives on Airwalker and 15 revives on apoc lol.