Ranking Up Relics

JoSpidey_10JoSpidey_10 Member Posts: 125
So im pretty sure we all know about relics and how they can be ranked up...but ate they really worth it? And does their spirt gauge fill up a bit quicker like normal champs per rank? Im curious to know so i can rank some up for my necro run


  • TP33TP33 Member Posts: 1,737 ★★★★★
    Depends on the relic and what champ you’re using them for. They do increase prestige at higher ranks which is a bonus, i wouldn’t let resources expire but unless you’re using the relic for a specific champion and getting a bonus from it don’t bother.
  • ahmynutsahmynuts Member Posts: 8,158 ★★★★★
    Spirit gauge fill rate is only impacted by relic * level. Ranking the relic up just improves most of the values and stuff
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