Relaxed but progressive alliance recruiting

We are pretty much relax alliance. Relaxed but progressive alliance. War is mandatory only during the season. Finished the last season war gold 2 rank 75. AQ we run map 655 every week and raid week BG1 raid and other 2 BG map 6 and 5. Though AQ is optional but we get minimum 4200 glory every week and 7000 glory raid week, in section 3 our aim is to kill the boss in all 3 BGS, then exploration as much as we can( only applicable if we have less people join in each BGS) do AQ for your own progress. BG event is optional no minimum requirement 21-30% every season. We use discord for communication. We are looking for 2 strong active players. My game ID is SWE. Add me in game if u r interested to join us.