Ranking 6 stars that exist as 7 stars

Just looking for others' opinions because I personally feel like it'd be a mistake for me to rank up a good 6 star that also exists as a 7 star because what if I get that champion as a 7 star right after? I know the champs that greatly benefit from having a high sig level are probably better to rank as 6 stars because of how valuable 7 star sig stones are currently but just generally is it silly to rank up a 6 star when you may get the 7 star at some point? For example Mantis or Bullseye or Black Cat or Quicksilver
I'm also holding back on ranking up my Hit-Monkey because I'm scared he'll just get added as a 7 star right after. Am I just overthinking it? 😭😭😭
I'm also holding back on ranking up my Hit-Monkey because I'm scared he'll just get added as a 7 star right after. Am I just overthinking it? 😭😭😭
7*'s require way more resources than 6*'s, so you'll have to get more anyway.
I've taken two 6* to r5 ascended this year, Onslaught and NTW. Both champs are so in the meta, that waiting for the 7* would be counterproductive.
So if a champ can help me clear everest content, place higher in war or BGs, it makes perfect sense to rank them up as a 6*.
- If they're available in the TITAN - Don't rank them
- if they're Available in loyalty/Incursions/any other limited pool crystals - Don't rank them
- If they're available in the basic - Don't take them to R5 (UNLESS ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY)
I personally prefer r4 + Ascension instead of R5 because r5s use the same class mats as 7* champs, so it's wiser to get the extra rank bonus from ascension instead of wasting essential catalysts.
That's why my Bishop is 6* r5.
Now I'm doing same for photon and dragon man
Also since onslaught is cracked and im still hunting him from featured should I r5a him? Since many people have already done that and im like 13k shards from my first titan so thats not happening anytime soon
Now I'm less than half-way from a titan so no way that's happening.
I'm personally going to r4 (maybe Ascension) , his primary use for me atleast will be mostly for BGs defence.
Although I'm heavily reconsidering that after the Sos Onslaught fight , I couldn't even see the first hit of Onslaught's special 1 before this, rn after all those objectives and around 50 + tries , I can dodge purely on instict 99% of the time and I'm assuming the same for a lot of people. This a very considerable drop in defensive potential for Onslaught .
Ofcourse he's a phenomenal attacker too but personally I value his defence more
Those R5 cats will become more available anyway, so while the general focus shifts to 7* it's still nothing wrong to R5 the champs you like/use/need atm
Save your t6cc for 7* champs
Those other materials are pretty easy to come by
Echoing what somebody else said - no rank up is a bad rank up if it progresses your account. Maybe that 6* you rank wins you a critical bg match or helps win a war.
For instance I'm Valiant but getting sick of just ranking champs for BG's given I have all of the important content done so now I'm just focused on having fun.
My favourtoe champ is Odin and have him as a 7* r3 but recently bought 2 xmagica 4-5 gem for 6k units, draining my unit stash to take my 6* Knull to r5, then my r4A Odin to r5 so I have 2 big odins now.
Fun first, always if you're in an endgame position like that but when you're not, it's all about progression and who is gonna help you progress now whether it be in story, necropolis, BG's etc.