
For a 6 star rank 4 this is so weak... as a defender yes he is annoying and gets you wins but on offense he is quite subpar. And yes I have used perfect releases to get enough damage. If any change happens I hope he gets a tune up on attack.

I have a 7R3 Bullseye and totally agree, not impressive striker.
I’m not gonna lie, i was Disappointed when i heard that bullseye would be a defensive champ over a offensive one. Defensive champs are not fun unless they act as a duel threat, they don’t even need to be a broken attacker. Someone like onslaught is a decent attacker so he makes playing fun.
He is still decent if you need crit hits, and he completely bypasses miss and opponent won't get power when miss fails, which is pretty cool utility
For Bullseye they could just increase the potency of his dialed in passives or set his crit damage rating at 0 instead of the negatives