Saga Incursion Design Feedback

J0eySn0wJ0eySn0w Member Posts: 1,001 ★★★★
Next time pls give the node interactions and eligible champs a more thorough thoughts. There are so many nodes and champion combinations that are unreasonable causing a lot of roadblocks. The only reason why this is not beyond extreme is that the champion cool down is reduce. But it is a complete waste of peoples time by restarting every time you hit a roadblock. It almost feels you need a good rng node combinations to be able to complete this incursion. Let me give you an example I’m facing right now:
- Brawl node with Abomination: there are 3 champs with slow mechanics, 2 are mystic (DragonMan, Sorcerer Supreme and Dani M). Dragon Man is poison immune but slow doesn’t work with class disadvantage. Together with other nodes like one-eye-open, stun immunity, you’re basically road blocked because any chance of managing the fight is taken away from you.
This has happened several times. I should have note all of them down.
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