Is early game progression moving too fast?

Skullier99Skullier99 Member Posts: 5
edited June 2024 in General Discussion
I'm a long time player who decided to start a new account a few days ago. On my first day I managed to complete and explore acts 1-3, I had a couple of four stars and I was looking forward to starting act 4 with a challenge. But the next morning I received a crystal in my inbox, a Cavalier Born This Way Crystal, which guarantees a 4-6 star champion. I pulled a 6 star Hercules. Over the next three days I completed act 4, became uncollected, completed act 5 and became Cavalier without spending any units on revives because I had so many from exploring acts 1-3. The lack of units in the images is because I bought both the crit masteries, as well as willpower. Now, 5 days into my account, I don't know what to do. I don't have a good enough roster for something like Battlegrounds - even though I can technically play it - because I used Hercules for literally every fight and didn't bother to level up anyone else until after. Early game content feels too easy, and I've already moved past it on my 5th day. Have any other new players had a similar experience, or have any experienced players noticed this, and does anyone know what to do?


  • Vegeta9001Vegeta9001 Member Posts: 1,711 ★★★★★
    I'd say so, because then it opens up end game content and newer players that didn't really have to learn core mechanics complaining the game is too hard or impossible.
  • LokxLokx Member Posts: 1,577 ★★★★
    edited June 2024
    It’s better this way. Imagine starting a new account. Seeing all these people with 7* and having to spend a month or two just to get to cav, a tier where 6* only started to become prominent.

    As the game keeps evolving the need for lower tiers to quickly progress does too. Thats why these crystals and special events like banquet help those account so they can get to the top part of the game and fully enjoy new content.

    Also congrats on the herc. I also have a alt and the best character i could get out of them was a 5* moondragon.
  • Joker1976Joker1976 Member Posts: 890 ★★★
    It needs to move fast in order to keep peoples interest imo.
    My nephew picked up the game a couple weeks ago and gets a 5 star champ soon just for logging in each day.
    Never was this way when i started, but there also wasn’t nine progression tiers when i started either.
  • FrydayFryday Member Posts: 1,334 ★★★★
    PT_99 said:

    Why do skilled players who make new accounts forget the main thing that they have and actual new players don't.

    SKILL (and game understanding)

    Progression is faster yes but your scenario to pull 6* Herc is very very rare, considering new heroes gets added to game every month and chances to pull Herc keeps reducing.
    And actual new players won't be playing with nodes interaction knowledge either.

    What you did was Speed run, not actual gameplay.

    This would be exactly my points too.

    When an experienced/skilled players do one of these speed run (apart from a bit of fun) it carry very little insight to how a real new players experience going through these content.

    The most important element of ingame knowledge, skills and muscle memory are still transfer to a new account, it is a new account not a new player.

    To be honest I would dred being a new players now.

    Imagine just learning about to Dex and Parry and then going up against the like of Onslaught, Bulleye, Photon in MEQ, Side Quest or BG. I just learn to dex and Parry and now you tell I can't dex Photon SPs, or still take damage even though I dexed Bulleyes attacks, or get punish for Parry Onslaught, can imagine being quite demotivated.
  • ReignkingTWReignkingTW Member Posts: 2,774 ★★★★★
    I still don't have Herc!!! Grr!!
  • Wozzle007Wozzle007 Member Posts: 1,096 ★★★★★
    I created an alt account the day Lagacy created his. I’m nowhere near as good as him! My main account is Valiant and have spent money on it. The Alt account is totally FTP but was still Paragon in 31 days. But if I was new to the game there’s no way I would be able to get there that fast. I’d have no idea who to use as counters, where to dex etc.

    I also found in BG my alt account was beating much bigger accounts partly because I guess it was against newer players who don’t know what champions to use as counters. Prime example is players who had Havok counters but used them on attack, lost, then lost the next match as had no counter to Havok.

    I think the game has an issue with huge amounts of content available that has no incentive to complete for new accounts. Outside of getting mastery cores on back issues, there’s no draw to them at all. LOL, nope, Abyss, nope. Act 4 completion, nope, act 5 completion, nope, act 6 completion nope.

    It was doing all that on the main account that meant I can do it so quickly on the Alt.
  • SammyDeSammyDe Member Posts: 1,134 ★★★
    My alt has the best luck, a 6* Abs man from a daily crystal. Nearly a 6* from SQ Cav crystals every couple of months. I guess it is better odds when you have 2 accounts, either your main or alt will have better luck and you don’t become to sad with RNG.
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 22,788 ★★★★★
    It's been moving too fast for years
  • Rayven5220Rayven5220 Member Posts: 2,576 ★★★★★
    Maybe not moving too fast, because let's face it, there's alot of progression tiers now but the fact that players aren't learning fundamentals to playing before they hit act 6 isn't good for the game.

    We constantly see posts saying collector is too hard, act 6 is too hard etc..

    These guys have no idea hoe to play the game by the time they're that far because everything is way too easy before there.
  • winterthurwinterthur Member Posts: 8,330 ★★★★★
    At least they are saying too hard and not money grab.
  • Kingering_KingKingering_King Member Posts: 1,416 ★★★
    Yeah on my alt I only spent 2 hours a day and got cav, with acts 1,2 and half of 3 explored in 6 days
  • MrSakuragiMrSakuragi Member Posts: 6,079 ★★★★★

    Maybe not moving too fast, because let's face it, there's alot of progression tiers now but the fact that players aren't learning fundamentals to playing before they hit act 6 isn't good for the game.

    We constantly see posts saying collector is too hard, act 6 is too hard etc..

    These guys have no idea hoe to play the game by the time they're that far because everything is way too easy before there.

    Basically just moved the wall from act 5 is too hard to act 6 is too hard. It lets people stay a bit longer until frustration sets in.
  • 11993451199345 Member Posts: 562 ★★★
    Being a Valiant player, creating a new account, and stating how easy it is now to progress through the early stages of the game is akin to being an adult and going back to elementary school...
  • BuggyDClownBuggyDClown Member Posts: 2,545 ★★★★★
    New players will stil face many roadblocks

    Meanwhile experienced players know what to do.

    Best example would be most the experienced players know the abilities and thier interactions with nodes and thier effects on fights by heart of most of the champs and we have like 250+ at this point if I am not wrong

    New player learn this thing

    So progression have become easy but not that easy. I can create and account right now and get Paragon within month but a actual new player would find this extremely difficult
  • Joker1976Joker1976 Member Posts: 890 ★★★
    I think it’s a good way to attract new players,..after all with the new alternative progression format (whatever it may be specifically), players don’t necessarily have to continue through act 7 or 8 story to advance.
    They can also have a decent roster to help them join in a alliance and compete in various game modes at different levels, ( if they wish to do so ).
    It can also help them build a roster for the higher tier brackets in EQ and side quests.
    What you don’t wan’t is new players feeling like they have to summit Everest to get a foot in the game,..especially when this MCOC mountain keeps getting higher.
  • phillgreenphillgreen Member Posts: 4,345 ★★★★★
    The obvious answer to the OP's question is to play a few BG's then rant on the forums about how matchmaking sucks and you demand equitable treatment which is anything but.
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