Shang chi vs onslaught

I've been practicing over and over to get this fight down. Finally starting to see some real progress with consistent sp1 dex. Far from great lol but getting there. Sometimes when I mlllm into block he doesn't stun. Anyone know what's causing this? I'm new to using chi.
The main rotation is to MLLLM into his block to get the stun, then either MM or MLM, and then Heavy. By then you'll need to dodge and SP1 and then repeat. Skip the MM/MLM if you're already over his L1 by this point as you don't want to push him to his SP2.
Here's Lagacy's video about it:
I didn't trust my skills so I'd throw an SP2 when I got to 10 or so charges, rather than saving up for a single massive one. YMMV.