How many magniton crystals do tb and down get

I want to know how many crystals do we cav tb get it's nice to see the top guys get lots but what is the point for lower people to put a guide that says you can get 104 but not to put only paragon+ get that when most of your player base would like to get that stuff to be able to move up. I just want the totals before I think of spending again or just put the game away
It's just a spelling mistake but you can understand what he wanted to say right? Very bad
There will be 10 in incursion which will only be available on the highest difficulty so if you have that unlocked you can try there (doubt it if your cav-tb)
And finally 14 in battleground objectives (no clue if this is strictly paragon+)
So potentially 54 but if i’m being realistic, the 30 from the traders post is most likely the only crystals for uncollected-thronbreaker