Which class has the most underrated champions?

For me I think it’s tech. It has champs like War Machine and Punisher 2099 whom I think are very good. Second class is cosmic. Third is skill.
Which class has the most underrated champions? 72 votes
The cosmic class is still so strong it makes all these champs look mid when in reality they are decent, some of them are not only decent but fast enough for BGs and dual threat.
He's nothing crazy but he's decent, and most people think he's garbage so yes I do think he's underrated to some extent.
Sym kinda fell off hard after doom and for obvious reasons, he doesn't do good against bleed immunes etc etc
Longshot has super good buff control and high damange incinerate. Incinerate immunes are the mostly unideal matchup for most cases.
Finally dragon man, kind of like mystic adam warlock (play aggresive for most damage), keep opponent cornered and MOST BG matches are basically done within 40 seconds when played right . Very decent defender too just like longshot.
I had a few more in mind like magik but she isn't really *underrated* but only star locked to 5* version so yeah that's basically it
I'll make a case for Iron Man too. I seriously don't think most people understand how good he is. The amount of versatility that the bro has is crazy. Insane damage, insane tankiness, eats Special Attacks through the block like an absolute legend, mean immunities and is probably the best champion to use in Prowess matchups.
The fact that I've seen basically no one consider Iron Man a top 5 Tech champion is criminal and is arguably grounds for him being underrated. I own him as a 7* r3 and he's an absolute demon and I hope there's a sort of Human Torch-esque renaissance for him.
The biggest downfall of the tech class is Hulkling and Galan.
Also a lot of champs were created just to counter certain nodes, and others were created to counter certain champs in BGs. But outside of that, are many that useful?
And yeah, War Machine is underrated and he isn’t even a top 20 tech champ… it’s insane how good tech is overall. Tech IMO has the most “dual threats”.
But yeah, Odin and Angela 👌
But i feel like the other non-meta mutants are still crazily underappreciated imo. Iceman who can pretty much get you a win if opponent can't draft coldsnap immune/ high energy resist, emma and toad can be both a tough defender and a nuke attacker, Dani being an absolute unit,...