Is Ghost still worth taking to rank 4 unawakened to become paragon?

I got a tech 3-4 gem from 8.3 completion and if I use it, I'll become paragon. Here's my currently tech roster.
I love ghost, but I have an awakened, max sig 5* that I use a lot more because the awakened ability is so useful for getting power. So do you guys think she is still worth taking to rank 4, unawakened at this point in the game? I have a generic gem and a lot of sigs, but I was saving them for someone who absolutely needs it. I've played shuri and like her, but I don't think enough to take her from rank 2 to rank 4 to get paragon. I'm planning on taking infamous iron man, peni, and omega sentinel to rank 2, but I don't have enough experience to immediately take them to rank 4.

I love ghost, but I have an awakened, max sig 5* that I use a lot more because the awakened ability is so useful for getting power. So do you guys think she is still worth taking to rank 4, unawakened at this point in the game? I have a generic gem and a lot of sigs, but I was saving them for someone who absolutely needs it. I've played shuri and like her, but I don't think enough to take her from rank 2 to rank 4 to get paragon. I'm planning on taking infamous iron man, peni, and omega sentinel to rank 2, but I don't have enough experience to immediately take them to rank 4.
Is Ghost still worth taking to rank 4 unawakened to become paragon? 33 votes