When does the game get the best



  • Vegeta9001Vegeta9001 Member Posts: 1,711 ★★★★★

    I'll let you fill in the blanks with the image
  • captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Member Posts: 11,829 ★★★★★

    This is only possible in valiant

    I’m valiant and literally have less of these than t6cc lmao, where are you getting all these?
    I hadn't ranked up many champs in a while, and got lucky with daily crystals.

    I have trouble with t6cc actually, Don't have more than 4 in any of the classes
    Three quarters of my dailies are a tenth of one of those mats so that doesn’t help. But yes I also have been doing rankups like crazy since 8.4, I also buy t6cc from the bg store so I usually have enough of those.
    Do you only buy t6cc selectors or do you also buy the t6cc fragment crystals?
  • SeyuohSeyuoh Member Posts: 286 ★★★
    orpimeS said:

    I have multiple accounts. Only 1 of them is Valiant coz I pulled Aegon on that one. I skipped out WoW and SoS. The paragon account became more enjoyable when I had nothing to do on the main (never doing abyss, gauntlet or exploring necro there). But I dont have Aegon there. So, I started pushing my third account to Cav and beyond.
    Essentially, this game is at its best when you don’t try to push for completion unless you are really comfortable. Play the modes that you enjoy the most and you suddenly notice that there aren’t half as many bugs as people cry about.

    I was with you until the bugs part, my inputs drop semi regularly, my game crashes mid fight, amongst other less annoying things. Don’t try to stick up for Kabam, this game has been plagued by bugs for years now. Ever since that patch where they “messed with the AI”
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