Would you still rank 3 Chavez over Sassy if you already had Juggs at r3?

Every poll with these 2 champs had Chavez with more votes than Sassy, but in this case I already have Juggernaut, who's a better attacker than Chavez at rank 3.
While Chavez has dual value, the science class being filled with nukes combined with small healthpool fights (BGs) makes me think I'd mainly be drafting her for offensive reasons, and if I'm drafting for attack, even if Juggs is banned , there's also Kushala, Wolf, and other mystics that could excel in the matchup.
Whereas Sassy would stall even against certain Science 7 star champs.
For reference my current r3s are KM, Titania, Juggs and next is going to be Bullseye most likely
While Chavez has dual value, the science class being filled with nukes combined with small healthpool fights (BGs) makes me think I'd mainly be drafting her for offensive reasons, and if I'm drafting for attack, even if Juggs is banned , there's also Kushala, Wolf, and other mystics that could excel in the matchup.
Whereas Sassy would stall even against certain Science 7 star champs.
For reference my current r3s are KM, Titania, Juggs and next is going to be Bullseye most likely
Would you still rank 3 Chavez over Sassy if you already had Juggs at r3? 72 votes
He's also not too bad of an attacker.
Trust me, sassy won't stall his regular counter like hulk silk titty spam or scorp, even at r3 duped.
Sasquatch is a great defender but he is just straight up time stretching, unlike Chavez who can get u defensive kills even with the most perfect counters
If Juggernaut is banned, for offense are you saying you would prefer to draft Sasquatch/Kushala/Wolf/other mystics over America Chavez? In your scenario, isn't it better to have a R3 AC and an R2 Sasquatch or an R3 Sasquatch and an R2 AC, than a R3 Sasquatch and an R2 Other Mystic?
When you think of the usual meta defenders in BGs that aren't cosmic, you would usually draft Kushala, Wolf, or Juggernaut for them over Chavez
I had success using her against onslaught Kingpin and attuma. Also good against shuri as well
I should revise what I said above to say Chavez does work well outside of Cosmic matchups, but the champs I listed above can do more matchups outside of their class advantage and possibly even faster.
Juggs is kind of an unfair comparison, but I've seen Werewolf take Maestro, Bishop, Weapon X, Spider Supreme, Korg, Shuri , Nick, and even Photon.
I assume Chavez does Serpent and Maestro faster than Kushala, but Kushala can also deal with a variety of defenders like Korg, Bullseye, Domino , Red Skull
How fast does Chavez do the matchups you guys said above? MSDs Werewolf did Onslaught in 33s and FAM in 43s (meta was fisticuffs)