Moderate Buff concept: Invisible Woman

Disclaimer: Yes, I do know that in the right hands, Invisible Woman is a good champion and can deal massive damage if ramped up. For those who don't know, the way to ramp up her Fragility debuffs is to activate invisibility via dexterity, then every single time she activates dexterity she inflicts the fragilities which increase her damage output over time. As mentioned above the payoff is worth it and her DPS is very high, check out AllisonEdits (she is an expert in using her)
But in my personal opinion, my problem with her is that this playstyle is ineffective, impractical, and generally not safe to use in 70% of matchups. There are a lot of situations where an opponent's Special attack is hard or nearly impossible to dex and as such she loses her ramp up. Yes there are synergies that partially solve this problem but in general losing her ramp up is punishing in most scenarios. Problem #2 is that she is a champ with good damage but very little utility. Other science champs like Photon, Titania, Human Torch, Scorpion and others both have great damage and utility that allows them to keep up in their class. In contrast, Invisible Woman, besides her invisibility, fragility debuffs, and Exhaustion when attacked, she doesn't have ways to deal with modern mystic defenders such as Kindred, Dr Doom or others. Thus, here is my buff concept for her. It's unlikely she may get tuned up since she's a 7 star now but if she does, here is what I want changed with her kit.
Invisible Woman
Always active:
The Invisible Woman has 0 base armor or physical resistance
When dodging backwards, Invisible Woman isn’t struck by attacks. She does not benefit from the Dexterity mastery but each rank grants X crit rating
For each Debuff on the Opponent, all of Invisible Woman’s Attacks deal an additional 4% of the damage dealt as a burst of Physical Damage.
Invisible Woman can naturally activate the Parry Mastery against non-contact attacks due to her force fields
Force-field attacks:
Invisible Woman’s Medium attacks are Forcefield attacks. These are Non-Contact
Invisible Woman starts with her Force-field active.
The Force Field’s max health is = to 100% health and scales with boosts and Buffs
Whenever Invisible Woman would take damage other than from a Special 3 Attack, the Force Field takes up to 90% of the damage instead.
Physical and Energy Resistance are increased by X.
While the Force-field is active:
Invisible Woman can block Unblockable attacks from non-Skill champions.
Non-skill opponents’ True sense, True Strike, and Vigilance abilities lose 100% ability accuracy
40% chance to inflict Exhaustion if struck by a contact attack
When the Force Field runs out, it goes into cool-down for 15 second(s), after which it will reform at 100% strength.
This is reduced to 10 seconds against Mystic champions.
If she is suffering from Disorient or Concussion however, the forcefield reforms only at 50%
Note: Invisible Woman needs to concentrate to maintain her Force Field. Inflicting her with debuffs that mess with her her concentration will reduce the effectiveness of her forcefield.
Invisible Woman activates her invisibility whenever her Forcefield is depleted or if she dodges an attack.
Invisibility lasts for 2 second(s), but starts Paused if Invisible Woman is not suffering from Disorient, Concussion or Bleed.
When Invisible, all attacks have a 100% chance to Miss as long as Invisible Woman isn’t blocking or dodging and Crit rating is increased by X.
Invisibility is unpaused when an Opponent Misses, or an Opponent hits Invisible Woman.
Note: Invisible Woman can now block when she is Invisible. This is useful for her as she can take advantage of her Forcefield when it is active.
Whenever Invisible Woman would turn Invisible, she places a Fragility Debuff on the Opponent, max stacks 50.
When attacking a Fragile Opponent, increase the Critical Damage Rating by X and decrease their Block Proficiency by 5%.
All Fragility Debuffs are Purified when Invisibility expires.
Heavy attack: These are Forcefield attacks.
Special attacks: they gain X crit rating per debuff on the opponent
If the opponent successfully Blocks any of her special attacks, Invisible Woman has a 100% chance to turn Invisible.
Special 1: Field Trip
Inflict 5 fragility debuffs
40% chance to stun
Special 2: Force Smash
On activation, inflict a 20 seconds Sunder debuff, reducing Crit resistance to Zero
The first hit of this attack consumes all Fragility Debuffs and grants Fury for 15 second(s), increasing Attack Rating by X, scaling with the current amount of Debuffs.
Note: Stack those Fragilities and watch for Big Yellow Numbers.
Special 3: Now you see me, now you don’t.
If the Force Field is active, add a flat 100% to the Force Field’s current strength. If the Force Field is on Cooldown, it is restored at 100% strength.
Raise the current Fragility cap to 100
Pause Invisibility. It cannot unpause for 6 second(s).
Stun for 3 seconds
Signature ability: Vanishing act
Start the fight with Invisibility active
When activating a special 2, Invisible woman only consumes up to X amount of Fragility debuffs (90%-25%)
High block proficiency and survivability with her forcefield
High damage potential (especially in long fights)
Utility such as blocking unblockable, parrying non contact, sunder, and a general lack of buffs against mystic defenders
Pierce/block penetration:
Miss counters (Tracking)
Bleed, disorient, concussion
So here it is, justice for the most powerful F4 member.
I thought on Mcoc ,Thing was the best from F4.