Incursions why we only use herc.

PandingoPandingo Member Posts: 1,194 ★★★★
Nodes like this have only been showing up recently. It was the third anti herc boss I've encountered. Idk about others but this mode is the only place I use herc. They did it. He's now mostly useless to most top tier players. But I don't understand why they are trying to shut him out of everything. With a long haul mode like incursions and nodes like aspect of nightmares that literally defense whatever small health pool you have. Plus the nerf of healing on buff cornucopia, jerc is almost the only way to get through all 25 stages without spending too many units. We should NEED to spend units to complete a mode. I'm more than happy to listen to other potential teams. I sometimes use an angela or aegon based team. But they never get to 25 on sector 6. I'm getting tired of this mode (which used to be my favorite lol) any other kabam approved teams y'all are using?


  • ccrider474ccrider474 Member Posts: 716 ★★★
    Tbh other than saga, I use aa and apoc with herc, if I don't just aegon incursions.

    Nodes that stop herc, horseman aa blitzes. Nodes that stop aa, herc destroys and apoc can do heaps as well, do a tricky fight with apoc then herc next 2 when you need apoc again, if highly sigged, regens back a ton.
  • Dirty_DozzDirty_Dozz Member Posts: 547 ★★★

    Tbh other than saga, I use aa and apoc with herc, if I don't just aegon incursions.

    Nodes that stop herc, horseman aa blitzes. Nodes that stop aa, herc destroys and apoc can do heaps as well, do a tricky fight with apoc then herc next 2 when you need apoc again, if highly sigged, regens back a ton.

    Thats actually a really good team comp. Apoc tackles most (if not all) Mutants, AA takes anyone not Bleed and Poison immune, and Herc handles anyone else. I might have to roll with this in the future.
  • Jack2634Jack2634 Member Posts: 1,017 ★★★
    edited June 2024

    Tbh other than saga, I use aa and apoc with herc, if I don't just aegon incursions.

    Nodes that stop herc, horseman aa blitzes. Nodes that stop aa, herc destroys and apoc can do heaps as well, do a tricky fight with apoc then herc next 2 when you need apoc again, if highly sigged, regens back a ton.

    my approach is similar. Make sure i had either degen + nullify heavy hack, or power lock into degen heavy hack, and let herc solo until zone 16+ (odin + galan prefight with suicides on ensure you can maintain him healthy), then i swap Thing in. He straight up counter every fate seal/nullify node while being an absolute tanky madlad (heal back from suicides) and still dish out reliable damage from degen. My fav team comp for more than a year now
  • VaniteliaVanitelia Member Posts: 560 ★★★
    The nodes can be worked around...Wong cannot. He nullifies immortality and indestructible buffs.
  • captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Member Posts: 11,815 ★★★★★
    Jack2634 said:

    Tbh other than saga, I use aa and apoc with herc, if I don't just aegon incursions.

    Nodes that stop herc, horseman aa blitzes. Nodes that stop aa, herc destroys and apoc can do heaps as well, do a tricky fight with apoc then herc next 2 when you need apoc again, if highly sigged, regens back a ton.

    my approach is similar. Make sure i had either degen + nullify heavy hack, or power lock into degen heavy hack, and let herc solo until zone 16+ (odin + galan prefight with suicides on ensure you can maintain him healthy), then i swap Thing in. He straight up counter every fate seal/nullify node while being an absolute tanky madlad (heal back from suicides) and still dish out reliable damage from degen. My fav team comp for more than a year now
    How you counter neutralize champs? Like rintrah
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