Prefight UI change leads to more errors

altavistaaltavista Member Posts: 1,622 ★★★★
I think the Prefight change is for the worse.

I know I am just used to the old way, but with the new way for example, I have turned on Human Torch's nova flame and entered the fight erroneously with the character the game defaulted to for the match up (not Human Torch).

I know some players think the new way is good because it cuts down on the total number of taps to the screen and helps with avoiding entering in a fight with Odin after activating the prefights.

To the first point: does it really save the numbers of taps on screen?
Old method:
1. If the game defaults to not the prefight champion, 1 tap to select the Prefight champion, 1 tap to activate prefight menu, 1 tap to activate the prefight, 1 tap to go to your champion (if it is not the same champion), and 1 tap to start the fight [Total: 4-5 screen taps]
2. If the game defaults to the prefight champion, then it is 1 tap to open Prefight menu, 1 tap to activate prefight, 1 tap to go to your champion if it is not the champion you want to use, and 1 tap to start the fight [Total: 3-4 screen taps]
New Method:
1 tap on Prefight button, 1 tap to activate prefight, 1 tap to go to your champion if it is not the same champion, and 1 tap to start fight [Total: 3-4 taps]

So yes, you do save on total number of taps on Old Scenario #1, but the same amount of taps compared to Old Scenario #2.

But, the savings compared to Old Scenario #1 doesn't seem worth it because I would think this new design leads to more errors.

There are far fewer champions that don't benefit from Prefights on themselves (Odin, Apoc, Galan, Spot) compared to champions with Solo prefights or prefights that still benefit themselves (like Mister Fantastic).

Purposefully switching to a champion to activate their prefight ensures you don't enter erroneously enter fights with a different champion, unless you have done extra screen taps.
Even if you enter a fight with the wrong champion because you had to switch to them to activate the Prefight, there are far more champions that still can use the prefight than champions that cannot use the prefight (Odin, for example).

Unless Kabam has the numbers to support that there were far greater number of players who did the Odin error, it seems like this Prefight UI change has a small upside but a lot more downsides.


  • Sunstar19Sunstar19 Member Posts: 288 ★★
    I don’t like the new UI look for additional reasons. The old way of switching to the prestige numbers works just fine but showing those numbers along with the health bar seems to undermine amount of health my champion has remaining. It is difficult to see everything when bunched up together, including the side buttons for pre fight and additions to health. This makes it easy to press wrongly.

    My biggest complaint is that my screen hangs for few seconds everyone I select the button for either pre fight or additional health. It has always been smooth prior to these changes with no lag.

    Making a strong request to either switch back to old interface or include an option to opt out.
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