Deathless Psycho man:The hollow heart

So as we know the next deathless is Vision,
And I won't downplay him, he's gonna be sick!
But... a TECH deathless, one that manipulates the emotions of his enemies to defeat them?
In a perfect world it could've been...

Just imagine that, Deathless Vision uses emotions which it's more disturbing that they're being manipulated, like Grief...
If anyone recalls, I'd always talk about how cool a Deathless Psycho man with a Depression mode could be, one can dream lol...
Who would you rather have in the game? Deathless Vision (booooo) or Deathless Psycho man (W)?
And I won't downplay him, he's gonna be sick!
But... a TECH deathless, one that manipulates the emotions of his enemies to defeat them?
In a perfect world it could've been...

Just imagine that, Deathless Vision uses emotions which it's more disturbing that they're being manipulated, like Grief...
If anyone recalls, I'd always talk about how cool a Deathless Psycho man with a Depression mode could be, one can dream lol...
Who would you rather have in the game? Deathless Vision (booooo) or Deathless Psycho man (W)?
I truly appreciate u doing this lol
Think u could make the central control box grey? For Depression mode
Then we can both be super happy! Hahaah
In Fear mode every time he fails an opponent's abillity during speical attack, he applies an indefinite Speical sabotage passive (max stacks:10) that deals X direct dmg every time an opponent's abillity fails during said opponent's speical attack
And as for the newly Depression mode, well this one is pretty dark
But as seen with Deathless Vision, the Deathless concept can be pretty dark, anyway:
Whenever you throw a speical attack without using a combo prior, the opponent is 90% more likely to unblock and just stand still (cuz they are suicidal now) and if you throw a speical attack like this into a blocking enemy and then he unblocks and it hits him, each hit deals instant degan and every time such speical hits inflict an indefinite 10% concussion passive, max stacks 6
Also the Willpower mastery is removed while in this mode
That's most of it