Lady Deathstrike in Raids with new tactic is horrible

Can't take off more than 4% and the DOT damage just isn't significant enough for raids. What was the design process behind the new tactic? "Dot champs are getting some love" - yeah right, not when it takes three minutes to take off meaningless amounts of damage. I only used lady d because nick fury was locked in war, but from what I've seen, I won't even use nick fury. Gonna stick with dominio and crit crusher. Thanks for nothing, Kabam.
its pretty much the same as from the xmagica/magic theif tactic, but instead of getting reparried, you get smacked around. and you have 0 reaction time
The node literally does nothing to increase the DoT here. The furies only work if the opponent is immune to an effect, which none of the defenders are immune to bleed. Only Medusa has an immunity and even so it's worthless as there are no poison dealing champions on assaut apart from Mysterio
And he isn't too good either, considering other "actual" attackers are finishing fights in 60-90 seconds, I'm getting timedout with Venom consistently.
DOT buffs needs more tuning up because how Ironman can just spam sp1 and do bizzilion damage while Venom bleed ticks are in range of 3k-6k only. 12-15k will be much better.
If Kabam was worried about balance why not 50% attack 50% armor instead?
She's just so bad other than 2-3 mutants she counters
Not an issue taking out max health each fight as long as you trigger your vibranium armor + true strike once it’s available. (The sp3 is bad though. Doesn’t scale with damage boosts)