AWD Placement and Joining Attack

nismo41886nismo41886 Member Posts: 30
I started having issues during the placement phase prior to the war that just concluded where I could no longer access my placement screen and was locked out of progressing to even view the map. Once attack started, I was not able to join until eventually someone told me of a series of “minimize the game, come back watch the wheel spin, wait 90 seconds then eventually it worked” voodoo. Now we’re onto our next window for placement and once again i’m stuck in a loop where hitting the place heroes button simply freezes my game and I can’t progress any further.

Submitted a ticket previously, which was pretty rapidly closed. multiple members in my alliance are having a similar issue. I can’t seem to find an active thread about it but that might be my oversight. Just looking for a little bit of clarity on what’s being worked on and what to expect as we aren’t too far away from season kick off
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