Raid Boss MODOK is… interesting.

SeyuohSeyuoh Member Posts: 286 ★★★
edited June 2024 in General Discussion
I know the fight is supposed to be difficult as it’s a raid, and it’s literally built to be a difficult/tedious activity; but especially with the missions needed to add charges- the MODOK fight in particular feels incredibly infuriating and overly tedious.
Maybe it’s just because I don’t know the fight that well, but that unpreventable unblockable, combined with the fact you have to constantly be aggressive, and two of the missions rely almost completely on RNG, has been a recipe for nothing but disaster for me.
Maybe consider dropping the “strike into block” one down to 4 times (able to do it in one MLLL combo) so we don’t have to waste time waiting for him to hold block; causing the UNB timer to be more able to be played around. Whiffing 3 attacks too I feel like should at least be 2 at the max, we basically have to solely rely on RNG to get our charges for him. It’s not the most enjoyable thing in the world to do.
If you’ve read this far, feel free to drop some suggestions or possible help on how you handled MODOK- because to be quite honest I’m getting my butt handed to me.
Thanks in advance,
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