Upgrade Iron Man and Superior Iron Man

Iron Man and Superior Iron Man feel like very outdated player. Could you please give him some new power up to make the champ interesting.


  • phillgreenphillgreen Member Posts: 4,336 ★★★★★
    I normally don't care about champion whinge threads but I'll play.

    Give the Iron jerks either power gain or an increase in attack from energy damage. The suits should absorb energy and re-use it.

  • javedahmed56javedahmed56 Member Posts: 86
    @Kabam Miike Could please provide new power up to Iron Man and Superior Iron Man
  • Kil63Kil63 Member Posts: 258 ★★
    You have a better chance at them releasing a new Iron Man before introducing new powers to old ones bro
  • javedahmed56javedahmed56 Member Posts: 86
    Since 2 years Iron Man and Sup Iron Man have the same ability and people don't prefer them much. So if they can give him some new abilities then players might start using him. I personally think he is outdated as per current situation.
  • Dave_the_destroyerDave_the_destroyer Member Posts: 981 ★★
    Since 2 years Iron Man and Sup Iron Man have the same ability and people don't prefer them much. So if they can give him some new abilities then players might start using him. I personally think he is outdated as per current situation.

    why would Kabam care if people started using these champs more?
  • NiteAndDaeNiteAndDae Member Posts: 670 ★★★
    there is simply no incentive for Kabam to alter existing heroes at all. People already have them in large quantity, so I would only introduce new heroes to keep the escalating arms race going. Only exceptions would be nerfs if any turn out to be excessively OP, but rarely would I buff any old characters to make them better. Just my opinion.
  • javedahmed56javedahmed56 Member Posts: 86
    If Kabam could give new power up to Punisher, WS, Magik and Hulk. Then they can improve and give new power up to Iron Man and Sup Iron Man to make them more useful. @Administrator
  • RajutedaRajuteda Member Posts: 565 ★★
    Essentially both of them are exactly the same and like every other unusable character they slow down your progr3ss by a certain percentage

    I wonder how many more years will kabam be able to keep people glued to this game? Considering 6 stars are almost here...

    Saturation eventually catches up !
  • javedahmed56javedahmed56 Member Posts: 86
    @Kabam Miike @Administrator recently read a post that you are giving some potential improvement to Luke cage and red hulk. So please consider iron man and superior iron man as well for potential improvement
  • HeroBoltsyHeroBoltsy Member Posts: 785 ★★★
    I think I'd give SIM occasional regen atop OVerload...
    Iron Man you could give him concussion on SP1...Power Gain on SP2 maybe?
  • javedahmed56javedahmed56 Member Posts: 86
    They should give both of them Physical & Energy Resistance or Concussion or Power Drain or Cruelty as his damage output is low.
  • TheOneAndOnlyTheOneAndOnly Member Posts: 690 ★★★
    They should give both of them Physical & Energy Resistance or Concussion or Power Drain or Cruelty as his damage output is low.

    The problem is they would need a lot of buffs to surpass the greatness of other champs already in their classes. Hyperion, Angela, Hela, and Thor are far better cosmics than SIM. In order to get SIM even into that pantheon they would need a major overhaul to him (not minor like was done with Hulk, Punisher and WS).
    The same would hold true for IM against the likes of SL, Yondu, Nebula, Stark SM, and even Green Goblin.

    If this was an area where a simple overhaul would make them a top a champion within a class I would agree, but they would need a major overhaul to become better.
  • Cornstarch03Cornstarch03 Member Posts: 2
    I pulled a 5* of superior iron man from my second 5* crystal and he's basically useless. Because every new champion you has added ands or add a new buffs or things that can happen passively or not, it seems my superior iron man who gets armor and armor break is very unbalanced. Before that i pulled a 5* captain Marvel (classic) who is incredibly horrible, and does no justice to the OP character from the comic books. the superior iron man should at least become better than the OG iron man
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  • iRanjaniRanjan Member Posts: 64
    Kabam - please please buff superior iron man. He is absolutely useless with not even 1 decent synergy. Please for the love of God and Marvel make SIM a badass champ

    - sincerely from a true Marvel and a MCOC fan
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