Who to ascend?

TP33TP33 Member Posts: 1,737 ★★★★★
Wondering on who to ascend next, all battlegrounds focused picks, all unduped/sig 1 (but willing to invest further in the future).

Serpent is a defensive pick, really meta defender and a huge roadblock in a lot of games, can go to R5 decently soon as I have the T6CC waiting

Kindred is also a defensive pick, unduped as of now but would definitely want him awakened ASAP

Mr sinister is unduped but kills bullseyes like nobody else, really good and performing well at R4, able to kill R6 or R2 bullseyes in around 60 seconds so ascending him would just make him a hard counter to any Bullseye out there

Kingpin, he’s kingpin you know, really solid dual threat, only reason I haven’t got him up yet is because other champions have just slightly out done him, want to get him up at some point but he doesn’t really have current meta status like the other 3

Any insight is appreciated thanks in advance

Who to ascend? 69 votes

PantherusNZzuffyJinxesaxeHaverTimeSCP1504PikoluSbkruebpeixemacacoGalvatron808captain_rogersItsClobberinTimeDfour24Giantwalrus56Agent_Valentain689The_0wenpusDanish0528PP96LickyAvnishNaiculS 31 votes
SagaChampionGrO_ot78Kingering_King 3 votes
Mr Sinister
Justcause102Ayden_noah1Lucifer_MS_626Erik_BloodaxeSceptilemaniac213579rebel_TribalChiefWong_99Johny_JoestarRiryokuVolxRen 11 votes
BigTuna_2054Cassytnair2015MysterioDenzel116Sagacious0wlSpadeHunterPowerofpain1001TalhamazizBeastDadBen_15455Dkcody42IryseMessy151ILoveDrDoomGalactikDonutMr Wilson FiskAecynSuper_Cretu90Mrt9810 24 votes


  • Emilia90Emilia90 Member Posts: 3,716 ★★★★★
    KP isn’t fantastic for battlegrounds imo. Everyone knows how to fight him and inequity screws him pretty bad on attack. He’s not the best attacker there even without that though

    Kindred is annoying but not as good as Serpent

    Sinister would be my second pick. Good dual use but inequity also does him dirty. I think Serpent would add the most value (either on defense or as ban bait)
  • BuggyDClownBuggyDClown Member Posts: 2,533 ★★★★★
    I think you should before today's SOS fight. If any or the champs comes under any objective that might give you better option
  • BeastDadBeastDad Member Posts: 2,161 ★★★★★
    Best overall always wins.
  • Kingering_KingKingering_King Member Posts: 1,411 ★★★
    I have a rank 2 serpent, but kindered will always be my favorite.
  • captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Member Posts: 11,780 ★★★★★
    It's a crime that you haven't ranked up the crime lord until now.

    Serpent at r5 200 sig is kinda guaranteed win. My 7* r2 serpent was never defeated, i.e., never knocked out even once in this season GC, even though this is nuke meta. Now imagine him with the power of his sig ability.

    But beware, Serpent just sucks for bg attack. He is on the slower side. But you can use him to take guardian, red skull and FAM in bgs due to his massive sp2 against armor up champs.
  • Ayden_noah1Ayden_noah1 Member Posts: 2,135 ★★★★
    Mr Sinister
    Sinister is great against Bulleyes but I took down Maestro with Sinister. He's degen reflection is amazing since most champs aren't immune to it. Everyone keeps thinking that he's only good for Bulleyes but once I found out he can take down Maestro pretty easily and fast. I'm going to test him out next seaon in BG on other defend to see how well he will work.
  • jcphillips7jcphillips7 Member Posts: 1,495 ★★★★

    Sinister is great against Bulleyes but I took down Maestro with Sinister. He's degen reflection is amazing since most champs aren't immune to it. Everyone keeps thinking that he's only good for Bulleyes but once I found out he can take down Maestro pretty easily and fast. I'm going to test him out next seaon in BG on other defend to see how well he will work.

    I was able to take an ascended Fantman with Sinister last night. Didn't have many great options from my draft, but I gave it a go with Sinister. Came out in pretty high health as well.
  • VolxRenVolxRen Member Posts: 67
    Mr Sinister

    Sinister is great against Bulleyes but I took down Maestro with Sinister. He's degen reflection is amazing since most champs aren't immune to it. Everyone keeps thinking that he's only good for Bulleyes but once I found out he can take down Maestro pretty easily and fast. I'm going to test him out next seaon in BG on other defend to see how well he will work.

    New Sinister is a Cheese lord. Any bleed node makes him beast machine. It is the best feeling ever to see that degen melts some poor soul ♦️
  • Ayden_noah1Ayden_noah1 Member Posts: 2,135 ★★★★
    Mr Sinister

    Sinister is great against Bulleyes but I took down Maestro with Sinister. He's degen reflection is amazing since most champs aren't immune to it. Everyone keeps thinking that he's only good for Bulleyes but once I found out he can take down Maestro pretty easily and fast. I'm going to test him out next seaon in BG on other defend to see how well he will work.

    I was able to take an ascended Fantman with Sinister last night. Didn't have many great options from my draft, but I gave it a go with Sinister. Came out in pretty high health as well.
    That is good to know that Sinister could take down FAM. I will tried this out next BG unless the nodes don't work for him.
  • PantherusNZPantherusNZ Member Posts: 2,341 ★★★★★
    All this talk of how Sinister is good on attack means I'm CLEARY playing him wrong! :lol: I gave up using him offensively because he was just doing nothing but I'll have to have a closer look.
  • Ayden_noah1Ayden_noah1 Member Posts: 2,135 ★★★★
    Mr Sinister

    All this talk of how Sinister is good on attack means I'm CLEARY playing him wrong! :lol: I gave up using him offensively because he was just doing nothing but I'll have to have a closer look.

    The key is to hold heavy long enough. Parry stun lasts a long time with Sinister. After Sinister gets 10 bleeds on himself you need to fire a sp1. The degen is transfer to the defender. If you hold heavy while the defender has degen, it pauses them. It's amazing what Sinister can do these days.
  • peixemacacopeixemacaco Member Posts: 4,628 ★★★★★
    Serpent= BG wins 9/10
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